


...University of Nottingham School of Mathematical Science Quantum-enhanced strategies for surface and phase discrimination Carmine Napoli A thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy December 24, 2020 alla mia famiglia i Abstract The ability to pe...

01-38.pdf of the economy. The process of de-industrialisation (Rowthorn 2000) where employment...


...little domestic demand (what D´ıaz de Astarloa et al. (2013) call “orphan industries...


...John Mutti; and David Richardson (1980). Welfare...Wiley and Sons. Davidson, Carl; and Steven...3): 42-56. Davidson, Carl; and Steven...and Labour Markets (David Greenaway, ed.). MacMillan...Destruction. MIT Press. de Melo, Jaime; and David Tarr (1990). Welfare


...research paper series Globalisation, Productivity and Technology Programme Research Paper 2021/03 Technology, market structure and the gains from trade Giammario Impullitti, Omar Licandro and Pontus Rendahl Technology, Market Structure and the Gains from Trade∗ Giammario Impullitti Universi...


...research paper series China and the World Economy Programme Research Paper 2020/11 Growing like China: Firm performance and global production line position David Chor, Kalina Manova and Zhihong Yu Growing Like China: Firm Performance and Global Production Line Position∗ Davin Chor Dartmout...


... research paper series Internationalisation of Economic Policy Research Paper 2002/20 Regionalism and Gravity By D. Greenaway and C. Milner The Centre acknowledges financial support from The Leverhulme Trust under Programme Grant F114/BF The Authors David Greenaway is a Professor of ...


...OUT OF CAVEATS: THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON GROWTH IN TRANSITION ECONOMIES Nauro F. Campos* Department of Economics, University of Newcastle, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, and Davidson Institute, University of Michigan. Yuko Kinoshita** CERGE-EI, Prague, Cent...


... research paper series Globalisation, Productivity and Technology Research Paper 2005/32 Firm Heterogeneity, Exporting and Foreign Direct Investment: A Survey by David Greenaway and Richard Kneller The Centre acknowledges financial support from The Leverhulme Trust under ...


...John Mutti; and David Richardson (1980). Welfare...Wiley and Sons. Davidson, Carl; and Steven...3): 42-56. Davidson, Carl; and Steven...and Labour Markets (David Greenaway, ed.). MacMillan...Destruction. MIT Press. de Melo, Jaime; and David Tarr (1990). Welfare
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