


...1 Has China Displaced the Outward Investments of OECD Countries? Shujie Yao and Pan Wang* Abstract: As China has rapidly emerged as one of the world’s largest investors abroad, there has been a hectic debate in the literature on whether its emergence as a major foreign investor may have under...


...and Krugman, 1989), collusive outcomes (Staiger and Wolak, 1989; Prusa, 1994; Vandenbussche...


...gains from containerization might come from quality changes in transportation services…To...


...Intergenerational Effects of Trade Liberalization Erhan Artu¸c1 October, 2009 Abstract 2002 Pew Global Attitudes survey shows that workers’ support for free trade decreases with age. The relation between age and supporting free trade is a phenomenon previously unexplored by economists. We s...


...Discussion(paper(2013105 Proximity)as)a)Source)of) Comparative)Advantage Liza)Archanskaia Sciences(Po(Economics(Discussion(Papers Proximity as a Source of Comparative Advantage ⇤ Liza Archanskaia† SciencesPo-OFCE February 2013 Abstract This paper establishes that production unbundling ...


...worsen labor market outcomes not only in that...affect labor market outcomes in the countries with...worsen labor market outcomes not only in that


...invest resources to manipulate outcomes in their favor. This increases the level...


...2000). And to achieve realistic outcomes, CGE modellers need to damp elasticities heavily...


...Offshoring Tasks, yet Creating Jobs?* February 28, 2010 Wilhelm Kohler† Jens Wrona†† University of Tübingen University of Tübingen CESifo, Munich GEP, University of Nottingham Abstract We show that in a Ricardo-Viner-type trade model with unemployment due to search and matching the p...


...Journal of Languages, Texts, and Society, Vol. 4 (2020), 84-105. © 2020 by Ai Shu. Envision of the Land-after-death and Expectations for “This Life”: Translation and Reconfiguration of “Kingdom of Heaven” in Taiping Rebellion Movement Ai Shu Wuhan University, China University o...
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