


...Human Rights Law Centre Newsletter Human Newsle n Rights L Rights L etter aw Centre Professor Michael O’Flaherty has left the University of Nottingham School of Law and HRLC following his appointment as Professor of Human Rights Law at the National University of Ireland Galway. He w...

The School's Disaster Recovery Plan details the actions necessary when a major incident occurs.

...University of NottinghamSchool of Physics and Astronomy Safety Policy (January 2023) Contents Downloadable Documents Downloadable Forms Statement by Head of School Administrative Organisation of Safety Important Telephone Numbers Safety Committee Safety Personnel Duties of School Health & Safety Coo...


...For further information about HRLC visit: 1 Human Rights Law Centre Spring 2012 Newsletter November 2011 marked an important moment in the reflection process on how to strengthen the United Nations (UN) human rights treaty body system. Almost at the same time as the 10...


...Technology Transfer Office, Business Engagement & Innovation Services Page 1 of 6 Provision and Processing of Intellectual Property Rights for Students and Graduates at The University of Nottingham 1. Background 1.1 Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Intellectua...


...The power of knowledge Plus: discovering the community treasures held within manorial records How Nottingham led the adult education revolution The University of Nottingham’s Manuscripts and Special Collections ISSUE 19: SEPTEMBER 2022 WELCOME Letter from the Keeper Welcome to the Sep...


...1 Strategic Delivery Plan for Education and Student Experience (ESE) Ratified by: • Education & Student Experience Committee (ESEC) on 26 March 2021 • University Executive Board (UEB) on 07 April 2021 2 Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Values 3. Campus Coverage 4. Links to Other S...


...Nottingham women experts for media and policy work 2 3 This guide aims to provide a comprehensive database of media-friendly female experts, researchers, and academics, at Nottingham’s two universities – the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University. Expert opinion is a...

jonathans-voice-pgr-guide.pdf balance Doing a research degree can be all-consuming. It may feel hard to...


...1 Athena SWAN Silver Department award application Name of institution: University of Nottingham Date of application: November 2013 Department: School of Life Sciences Contact for application: Dr Tamsin Majerus Email: Telephone: 0115 8232041 Departmental websi...


...1 University Strategy Consultation Hand-written responses to the Green Paper consultation 2 Contents Suggestions for a small change........................................................................................................3 Suggestions for a radical idea.............................
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