

Fullerene Theory group

...Fullerene Theory - University of Nottingham Fullerene Theory group School of Physics and Astronomy Jahn-Teller Symposia Home Page Staff Profile Research projects Fullerenes Icosahedral symmetry Icosahedral symmetry operations Vis...


...cure with heat and pressure De-mould partially cured laminate Spray DFC...


...Services Reform and Manufacturing Performance: Evidence from India Jens Matthias Arnold* Beata Javorcik** Molly Lipscomb*** Aaditya Mattoo**** Conventional explanations for the post-1991 growth of India’s manufacturing sector focus on goods trade liberalization and industrial de-licensing....

sanchezvalencia_phdthesis.pdf supervisor Dr. Davide De Focatiis for the opportunity of...


...A Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment Pablo Fajgelbaum U.C.L.A. Gene M. Grossman Princeton University Elhanan Helpman Harvard University and CIFAR October 2011 Abstract We study patterns of FDI in a multi-country world economy. First, we present evidence for a broad sample of ...


...Manufacturers and Retailers in the Global Economy Horst Raff Nicolas Schmitt CESIFO WORKING PAPER NO. 3508 CATEGORY 8: TRADE POLICY JUNE 2011 An electronic version of the paper may be downloaded • from the SSRN website: • from the RePEc website: • ...


...Elsmore, D.S.A. De Focatiis, L.T. Harper, N.A...


... BOFIT Discussion Papers 21 • 2007 Declan Curran, Michael Funke and Jue Wang Economic growth across space and time: Subprovincial evidence from mainland China Bank of Finland, BOFIT Institute for Economies in Transition BOFIT Discussion Papers Editor-in-Chief Iikka Korh...


...Trade Costs 1 James Anderson Boston College NBER Eric van Wincoop University of Virginia NBER September 10, 2003 1 In preparation for the Journal of Economic Literature. Preliminary draft; please do not quote without permission. Abstract This paper surveys trade costs — what we know, an...


...participants in Alicante, Banco de EspaÒa, Bocconi, Cambridge, ERWIT 2006...
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