

cebd-report-201920-web.pdf Patient and Public Involvement. Medical student...60 peer-reviewed publications per year. One of the


...of University Park Public events 2023 The...accessible to the public and provide disabled...places. The indoor ‘lecture style’ events are


...The University of Nottingham Teaching and Learning Conference 14th April 2021 Meeting the teaching and learning challenges in 21st century higher education: out with the old and in with the new? #UoNTLC2021 Schedule 10.00 – 10.20 Welcome Professor Sarah Speight 10.20 – 11.00 Para...


...The game was used as part of lectures but also timetabled mid-week after self...


... Universal Design: meeting the teaching and learning challenges in 21st century higher education #UoNTLC2019 The University of Nottingham Teaching and Learning Conference 3 rd May 2019 Schedule 9.00 – 9.30am Registration Coffee, tea and pastries available 9.30 – 9.45am Welcome: P...


...Environment Annual Report 2008/09 Over the last 12 months we have continued to work hard to improve the environmental performance of the University, whether it be through environmentally‐conscious building design, energy efficiency measures, diverting waste from landfill, encouraging the ...


...CA, USA) Leverhulme Public Lecture Brain, emotion and...


...En un lugar de la memoria. Efemérides y cronología guantanameras Margarita Canseco Aparicio José Sánchez Guerra Yaimara Diéguez Gutiérrez Presentación En el año 2011 José Sánchez Guerra, Historiador de la Ciudad y Presidente de la Unión Nacional de Historiadores de Cuba (UNHIC) en ...


... Miradas a una ciudad incendiada Bayamo 1869 La Habana, 2021 Compiladora Damiana Niurka Pérez Figueredo Miradas a una ciudad incendiada Bayamo 1869 Edición: María Luisa García Moreno Diseño y realización: José Ramón Lozano Fundora Corrección: Catalina Díaz Martínez © Colectivo de...


... Manzanillo en los 50 Rebeldía y Revolución Delio G. Orozco González Colección Anazca Editorial ORTO 2004 Edición: Julio J. Sánchez Chang Corrección: Dayamí Guerra Rivero Diseño: Ana Leonor Fernández Parra Composición digital: Edgar Jerez González © Delio G. Orozco Gon...
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