

Luisa Martinez-Pomares

...histone modifications in breast cancer correlate with tumor...

Sal Jones

...3D Heterotypic Breast Cancer Model Demonstrates a...and Invasive Phenotype. Cancers. 12(8), ASHWORTH...Culture Models of Cancer and Disease. Journal...3D Heterotypic Breast Cancer Model Demonstrates a...and Invasive Phenotype. Cancers. 12(8), ASHWORTH...Culture Models of Cancer and Disease. Journal

Cameron Alexander

...Orthotopic Triple Negative Breast Cancer Model ADVANCED THERAPEUTICS...

James Dixon

...Epigenetic reprogramming of breast cancer cells with oocyte extracts: Mol Cancer Mol Cancer. 10(1), 7...

Morgan Alexander

...Orthotopic Triple Negative Breast Cancer Models ADVANCED HEALTHCARE...

IUD best treatment for heavy periods, major trial shows

...with most aggressive breast cancer Published DateThursday 6...

Morgan Alexander

...Orthotopic Triple Negative Breast Cancer Models ADVANCED HEALTHCARE...

Barrie Hayes-Gill

...2007. Ultra-wideband breast cancer detection radar In...

Lodewijk Dekker

...been implicated in breast cancer metastasis. The activity...PKC-d in breast cancer cells with grants from Cancer Research UK, the Breast Cancer Campaign, the Association for International Cancer Research, Pancreatic Cancer UK, British Heart...mediate adhesion of breast cancer cells to microvascular...and treatment of breast cancer Breast Cancer research. 15(5

Welcome to my first research update - Research Exchange  Recognition for breast cancer pathology pioneer  Professor of Breast Cancer Pathology Emad Rakha...the diagnosis of breast cancer.  Farewell and thanks
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