


...Cultural Affinity, Political Ties, and Endogenous Regional Trade Agreements# Innwon Park∗ and Soonchan Park∗∗ November 2013 Abstract Probability of forming regional trade agreements (RTAs) will be greater if two countries are closer in geographical distance. This paper extends the meanin...


...Aggregate Productivity, Human–Capital Investments, and Trade J¨urgen Meckl and Benjamin Weigert∗ Preliminary version, September 25, 2007 1 Introduction Recent literature on the effects of trade liberalization emphasizes aggregate productivity gains caused by selection effects in a setting ...


...Rights Lab ‘The Energy of Freedom’? Solar energy, modern slavery and the Just Transition Professor James Cockayne, Dr Edgar Rodríguez Huerta and Dr Oana Burcu1 Contents List of figures 4 Executive summary 5 Introduction 10 Study overview 15 1. Solar energy’s modern slavery problem 1...

mimosaflyerrev08112012.pdf Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE...Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), Universidad Nacional de Tucuman (UNT). MImOSA


...February 13, 2007 CULTURAL COMMUNITIES IN A GLOBAL LABOR MARKET: IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS AS RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION HOWARD F. CHANG 2007 University of Chicago Legal Forum (forthcoming 2007) ABSTRACT Economists recognize that nations can gain from trade through not only the free movement of...


...Networks and Trade: evidence from the Jewish Diaspora ∗ Gabriel Felbermayr† Lisandra Flach ‡ March 7, 2009 Abstract Recent literature finds that informal networks are quantitatively important in explaining the cross-country patterns of trade. We check the robustness of this result by looki...

20-01.pdf the presence of heavy tails (see De Haan and Ferreira, 2007 for a review), contributions...


...A year in the life of the Future Food Beacon —2018/19 2 A Year in the Life of the Future Food Beacon—2018/19 A Year in the Life of the Future Food Beacon—2018/19 3 The Future Food Beacon is one of six Beacons of Excellence that the University of Nottingham is investing in, in order...


...Philippe Baigl and David Guitton-Productions céramiques...du centre-ouest de la Gaule: exportation...commerce maritime, état de la question 16


...Testing for seasonal unit roots by frequency domain regression by Marcus J. Chambers, Joanne S. Ercolani and A. M. Robert Taylor Granger Centre Discussion Paper No. 10/02 Testing for Seasonal Unit Roots by Frequency Domain Regression Marcus J. Chambersa , Joanne S. Ercolanib and A.M. R...
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