


...CODE 8.7: CONFERENCE REPORT ISBN 978-92-808-6506-4 Copyright United Nations University, 2019. All content (text, visualizations, graphics), except where otherwise specified, is published under a Creative Commons Attribution- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 3.0 IGO license...


...Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Modern slavery challenges to supply chain management Stefan Gold, Alexander Trautrims, Zoe Trodd, Article information: To cite this document: Stefan Gold, Alexander Trautrims, Zoe Trodd, (2015) "Modern slavery challenges to supply chain manageme...


...Article An Idea Whose Time Has Come? Modern Slavery, Multiple Streams Approach and Multilayer Policy Implementation Alison Gardner* Abstract This article uses Kingdon’s multiple streams approach to analyse the implementation gap between anti-slavery legislation and front-line practice, with ...


...Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Journal of Risk Research ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: Social listening, modern slavery, and COVID-19 Benjamin Luc...


...15382021 1 Programa de PósGraduação em Saúde...Unido. 3 Departamento de Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia...Rights Lab, Universidade de Nottingham, Reino Unido


...the Boundaries Between De Jure and De Facto Slavery: The...constituent elements of de jure slavery to...core features of de jure chattel (O’Connell Davidson 2015), and in


...ARTICLE Machine learning methods for “wicked” problems: exploring the complex drivers of modern slavery Rosa Lavelle-Hill1,2✉, Gavin Smith 3, Anjali Mazumder1 , Todd Landman 4 & James Goulding3 Forty million people are estimated to be in some form of modern slavery across the globe. Unde...


...28]. The second relates to the (de)regulation of UK ports. UK ports are largely...


...ISCT-IUL. República de Moçambique. 2008. Regulamento...Nº 40/2008, de 26 de Novembro. Maputo: Imprensa Nacional de Moçambique, E.P. República de Moçambique. 2019. Código...Maputo: Imprensa Nacional de Moçambique, E.P. República de Moçambique. 2018. Constituição...Maputo: Imprensa Nacional de Moçambique, E.P...trabalho. Fractal: Revista de Psicologia, 30(2...J., Bryant, K., David, F., Forrest, J


...Rights Lab Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines drug distribution: Understanding the impact of Covid-19 Report Contents Executive summary 4 The research methodology included 4 We identified several challenges 5 County Lines supply methods 5 Safeguarding capacity 5 Explo...
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