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Research with us

Research with us

Innovation is key to growth. By collaborating with us, we can share our leading and broad range of expertise to help resolve your challenges – and future-proof your organisation.


Transforming lives and shaping the future

Our six beacons of excellence champion field-leading responses to global challenges. And we have a number of transdisciplinary research priority areas that tackle key issues facing societies across the world. 

There are many ways you can partner with us, from student projects and contract research to long-term strategic partnerships. Whatever challenges you face, let’s discuss how we can work together. 

Why work with the University of Nottingham? 

  • We’re ranked seventh in the UK for research power by REF, which measures the quality and quantity of research.
  • More than 89% of our research is classed as world-leading or internationally excellent.
  • We support an international community of 3,000 researchers, 8,000 postgraduates and 160 research groups.
  • We can help you to access a variety of grants and funding sources to deliver a research project.

Find out more about our research expertise