School of Sociology and Social Policy

Research Output

Dissemination of research outcomes to a variety of audiences:

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Ashall, V., and Hobson-West, P.(2017). ‘Doing good by proxy’: Human-animal kinship and the ‘donation’ of canine blood. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Campos, A., Hartley, S., de Koning, C., Lezaun, J. and Velho, L. (in press) ‘Political responsibility and innovation: Genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil’, Special Issue, Journal of Responsible Innovation.

Cloke, J., Mohr, A. and Brown, E. (in press.). Imagining Renewable Energy: Towards a Social Energy Systems Approach to Community Renewable Energy Projects in the Global South. Energy Research and Social Science. 

Collins, L.C. and Nerlich, B. (2016). Uncertainty discourses in the context of climate change: A corpus-assisted analysis of UK national newspaper articles. Contribution to special issue on ‘Communicating uncertainty in our mediated world’. Communications 2016; 41(3): 291–313. 

de Saille, S., and Madvecky, F. (2016) Innovation for a Steady State: A case for Responsible Stagnation. Economy and Society(5)1

de Saille, S. (2015). Innovating innovation policy: The emergence of 'Responsible Research and Innovation'. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 2(2)

de Saille, S. (2015). Dis-inviting the unruly public. Science as Culture, 24(1), 99-107

de Saille, S. (2014). Fighting science with social science: Activist scholarship in an international resistance project. Sociological Research Online 19(3)

Forsberg EM, Ribeiro B., Heyen, N.B., Nielsen, R.O, Thorstensen, E., de Bakker, E. Klüver, L., Reiss, T. Beekman, V. and Millar, K. (2016). Integrated assessment of emerging science and technologies as creating learning processes among assessment communities. Life Sciences, Society and Policy 12(1), 9

Greenhalgh, T. et al. An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research. BMJ i563 (2016).  Warren Pearce is one of the authors.

Hadley Kershaw, E. (2016) Making Science Public: Opening Up Closed Spaces. EASST Review, 35(3). European Association for the Study of Science and Technology.

Hartley, S. (2015). Policy masquerading as science: An examination of non-state actor involvement in risk assessment policy for genetically modified animals in the EU. Journal of European Public Policy.

Hartley, S. & Millar, KM. (2014). The Challenges of Consulting the Public on Science Policy: Examining the development of European risk assessment policy for genetically modified animals. Review of Policy Research. 31 (6)  481–502

Hartley, S., Gillund, F., van Hove, L. and Wickson, F. (2016) Essential features of responsible governance of agricultural biotechnologyPLoS Biology 14(5)

Hartley, S., Pearce, W. and Taylor, A. (2016). Against the tide of depoliticisation: The politics of research governance. Policy & Politics.

Hollin, G.J.S. and Pearce, W (2015). Tension between scientific certainty and meaning complicates communication of IPCC reports. Nature Climate Change. DOI:10.1038/nclimate2672

Hyde, R., Hartley, S. and Millar K. (in press) ‘European novel foods policy at a critical juncture: Drawing lessons for future Novel Food Regulation through a retrospective examination of Regulation EC 258/97’. Food and Drug Law Journal.

Jaspal, R., Nerlich, B. and van Vuuren, K. (2015). Embracing and resisting climate identities in the Australian press: sceptics, scientists and politics. Public Understanding of Science. DOI: 10.1177/0963662515584287

Madziva, R. (2017) ‘Your name does not tick the box’: The intertwining of names, bodies, religion and nationality in the construction of identity within the UK asylum system. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 

Madziva R. (2015). Transnational parenthood and forced migration: the case of asylum-seeking parents who are forcibly separated from their families by immigration laws. Families Relationships and Societies. Doi.10.1332/204674315X14479281723965.

Macnaghten, P., Owen, R., Stilgoe, J., Wynne, B., Azevedo, A., De Campos, A., Chilvers, J., Dagnino, R., Di Giulio, G., Frow,E., Garvey, B., Groves, C., Hartley, S., Knobel, M., Kobayashi, E., Lehtonnen, M., Lezaun, J., Mello, L., Monteiro, M., Pamplona, J., Rigolin, C., Rondani, B., Staykova, M., Taddei, R., Till, C., Tyfield, D., Wilford, S., and Velho, L. (2014). Responsible innovation across borders: tensions, paradoxes and possibilities. Journal of Responsible Innovation. 1(2), 191-199

McGrath, S., Madziva, R., and Thondhlana, J. (2015). Rethinking the Employability of International Graduate Migrants: Reflections on the experiences of Zimbabweans with degrees from England. Journal of Further and Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2015.1062853

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Policy reports

Gillund, F., Millar, K., Utskarpen, A. and Myhr, A.I. 'Examining the Social And Ethical Issues Raised by Possible Cultivation of Genetically Modified Potato With Late Blight Resistance in Norway, GenØk Biosafety Report 2015/04.' 

Hadley Kershaw, E., Hartley, S. and Pearce, W. Report on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Workshop. Project Report. University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. 2015

Hartley, S. Provided oral and written evidence. Genetically Modified Insects House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Report. 2015

Mohr, A., Raman, S. and Gibbs, B. Which Publics? When?: Exploring the policy potential of involving different publics in dialogue around science and technology Sciencewise-ERC. Sciencewise-ERC. 2013

Pearce, W., Hartley, S and Taylor, A. Responsible Research and Innovation - Responding to the new research agenda

Raman, S. Responsive Research? Putting the Innovative back into Agendas for Innovation. Sciencewise-ERC. (with contributions from M.Clifford, Saille, D.Gent, S.Hartley, A.Mohr & T.Sesan) 2014

Smith, R. and Hartley, S. ‘BBSRC Knowledge Identification Tool’. University of Nottingham. 2015


Smith, A. and J. Holmwood (Eds.) (2013). Sociologies of Moderation: Problems of Democracy, Expertise and the Media (Sociological Review monograph) Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Book chapters

de Saille, S. ‘RRI and 'unruly' publics’. In: Tensions of Europe, Technology and Democracy: Quo Vadis, edited by Pascal Griset and Leonard Laborie. (In press)

Featherstone, H., Manners, P., Nerlich, B., & James, H. (2014).  Science communication: Bridging theory and practice. In: Science Communication: State of the Nation 2013. Essays inspired by the annual Science Communication Conference (British Science Association).

Hartley, S. (2016). 'The treatment of social and ethical concerns in policy responses to agricultural biotechnology: An historical analysis'. In Marden, E., Godfrey, R.N. and Manion, R. (Eds.) Innovation in agricultural genomics: Overcoming complexities in the intellectual property–regulatory complex. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Holmwood, J. (2013). Rethinking moderation in a pragmatist frame . In: A. Smith and J. Holmwood (Eds.) Sociologies of Moderation: Problems of Democracy, Expertise and the Media (Sociological Review monograph) Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Morris, C, Seymour, S and Spencer, A (2014). Whither food sovereignty? The framing of food provisioning research agendas in the UK. In: Trauger, A (ed) Food Sovereignty. Routledge/Earthscan. (In press).

Nerlich, B. (2013). Moderation impossible? On hype, honesty and trust in the context of modern academic life. In: A. Smith and J. Holmwood (Eds.) Sociologies of Moderation: Problems of Democracy, Expertise and the Media (Sociological Review monograph) Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, M. A. (2015). Comment: Resistance and escapism: The risks and rewards of disaster stories (pp. 9-11). In Infectious Futures: Stories of the post-antibiotic apocalypse, eds Lydia Nicholas and Joshua Ryan-Saha.  Nesta/Longitude Prize

Raman, S. (2014). Science, Uncertainty and the Normative Question of Epistemic Governance. In: Cloatre, E. and Pickersgill, M., eds., Knowledge, Technology and Law: Interrogating the Nexus Routledge.

Smith, A. (2013). Democracy begins at home: moderation and the promise of salvage ethnography. In: A. Smith and J. Holmwood (Eds.) Sociologies of Moderation: Problems of Democracy, Expertise and the Media (Sociological Review monograph) Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Smith, A. (2013). Kansas versus the Creationists: Religious Conflict and Scientific Controversy in America’s Heartland. In: S. Brunn (Ed.) The Changing World Religion Map New York: Springer Academic Press

Smith, A. and J. Holmwood (2013). Sociologies of Moderation. In: A. Smith and J. Holmwood (Eds.) Sociologies of Moderation: Problems of Democracy, Expertise and the Media (Sociological Review monograph) Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Working papers

de Saille, S. (2013). Innovating Innovation: RRI as a Guiding Principle in the ERA. Making Science Public, Working Paper #3. 

Hartley, S., Pearce, W., & Taylor, A. (2015). Politicising scientific research: meanings of “responsible research and innovation” in the university (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. ID 2634938). Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network.

Hartley, S. (2014). Opening up environmental risk assessment policy: An analysis of the European Food Safety Authority’s public consultations on genetically modified animals. 23rd World Congress of Political Science, July 19-24, Montréal, Canada. Deposited with IPSA

Pearce, W. & Nerlich, B. (2017). 'An Inconvenient Truth’: A social representation of scientific expertise. In: Science and the Politics of Openness: Here Be Monsters. Manchester: Manchester University Press.[Pre-review version] [CC-BY-NC]


de Saille (2014). 'Fixed: The Science/fiction of Human Enhancement'. Journal of Responsible Innovation 1(1): 142–145

Hartley, S. (2016). 'Consulting the public on EFSA's risk assessment policy'. Osservatorio AIR.


Brüggemann, M. (Ed).(2015). Media Representations of Climate Change Politics at COP21: The end of the beginning. E-booklet including blogs by Brigitte Nerlich and Warren Pearce.

Hartley, S. (2016). Why scientists' failure to understand GM opposition is stifling debate and halting progress. The Conversation, 7 July 2016

Hawkins, P and Hobson-West, P (2017). The AWERB as a ‘forum for discussion’.

Nerlich, B. (2016). The Invention of Nature. Discover Society. Issue 35 (Focus: Imaging/Imagining the Anthropocene). 2 August 2016

Nerlich, B. (2014). How GIFs are changing the way we talk science. The Conversation

Schäfer, M. et al (2017) Investigating mediated climate change communication: A best-practice guide

Stilgoe, J. and Hartley, S. (2015) ‘GM insects and moral blackmail’. The Guardian, 17th December 2015

Related outputs aligned with the programme goals

de Saille, S. (2014). Fighting Science with Social Science: Activist Scholarship in an International Resistance Project. Sociological Research Online.

Madziva, R. (2015) ‘A gift exchange relationship? Reflections on doing qualitative research with vulnerable migrants’. Families, Relationships and Societies: An International Journal of Research and Debate, 4(3): 465-80.

Madziva, R., McGrath, S. & Thondhlana, J. (2014). Communicating employability: The role of communicative competence for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK.Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI: 10.1007/s12134-014-0403-z

Madziva, R., McGrath, S. and Thondhlana, J. (2014). The Hidden Face of Discrimination in the Global Labour Market: The Case of Zimbabwean Highly Skilled Migrants in the United Kingdom. In ENAR (Ed.) Invisible Visible Minority. ENAR, Brussels.

McLeod,C., Mohr,A. and Nerlich, B. (in press). Working with bacteria and putting bacteria to work: The biopolitics of synthetic biology for energy. Energy Research and Social Science.

Mohr, A., Shortall, O., Helliwell, R. and Raman, S. (2016) How should land be used?: bioenergy and responsible innovation in agricultural systems. In: Gordon, I J. Prins,HHT., Squire, GR.  (eds.) Food Production and Nature Conservation: Conflicts and Solutions. Earthscan (Routledge). ISBN 9781138859395 (In Press)

Mohr, A. (2011). Publics in the making: Mediating different methods of engagement and the publics these construct Science and Engineering Ethics. 17(4), 667-672 Science and Engineering Ethics. 17(4), 667-672

Mohr, A. and Raman. S. (2012). Representing the public in public engagement: the case of the 2008 UK stem cell dialogue PLoS Biology. 10(11), e1001418 PLoS Biology. 10(11), e1001418

Mohr, A., Raman, S., McManus, M. and Taylor, C. (2012). Understanding Uncertainties in LCA and Bioenergy Modelling: Summary report of the policy workshop held at The Royal Horseguards, London 2 July 2012.

Norton L, Maberly S, Waterton, C, Watson N, and Tsouvalis, J. The relevance of scale to water governance: An example from Loweswater, UK. In: Padt F, Opdam P, Polman N, and Termeer C (eds.) Scale-Sensitive Governance of the Environment. Wiley: Blackwell

Pearce, W. (2013). The meanings of climate change policy: implementing carbon reduction in the East Midlands. E-thesis. E-thesis

Raman, S., Mohr, A., Helliwell, R., Ribeiro, B. Shortall, O., Smith, R. and Millar, K. (in press). Integrating Social and Ethical Dimensions into Sustainability Assessment of Lignocellulosic Biofuels. Biomass and Bioenergy.

Thondhlana J., Madziva R., and McGrath S. (2016). ‘Negotiating Employability: Migrant capitals, networking strategies and their roles in shaping labour market trajectories and outcomes for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK’. The Sociological Review. DOI: 10.1111/1467-954X.12373.

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Programme Blog

We have a lively blog which reports on issues such as the increasing privatisation of public research, the politicisation of science, the mediatisation of science, a certain engagement fatigue, and other issues covered by the Making Science Public programme.

External Blogs

Programme members have contributed to a variety of external blogs.

Hartley, S. and Pearce, W. (2016) Responsible research and innovation in the UK university: the politics of research governance.  LSE Impact Blog

Madziva, R. and Lowndes, V. (2015) Pro-Christian, Anti-Muslim or Anti-Refugee? Ballots and Bullets, INLOGOV and Migrants' Rights Network blogs.

Mohr, A., Gibbs, B. and Raman, S. (2013) Which Publics? When? Part 1: Which publics should be invited to a dialogue? Sciencewise - ERC blog

Mohr, A., Gibbs, B. and Raman, S. (2013) Which Publics? When? Part 2: When should dialogue take place? Sciencewise - ERC blog

Nerlich, B. (2012). Between knotweed and the deep blue sky: Exploring the impact of the value of science. LSE Impact blog

Nerlich, B. (2013). Tools for thinking about an increasingly complex world. LSE Impact blog

Nerlich. B. (2014). Extreme weather events used to be referenced to convince people of the threats posed by climate change. Now they are considered the new normal. LSE British Politics and Policy blog

Pearce W., and Raman S.,(2013) Making Science Public as a route to better evidence. LSE British Politics and Policy blog

Tsouvalis, J. (2015) How social and citizen science help challenge the limits of the biosecurity approach: the case of ash dieback. LSE British Politics and Policy blog

Conferences etc.

Badger, S., Will, C., Raman, S. and Weiner, K. Panel Convenors. Antagonists, Servants, Companions: the Sciences, Technologies and Politics of Microbial Entanglements. 4S/EAST Conference 2016. Barcelona, Spain. 31 August-3 September 2016

Brown, E., Cloke, J., Mohr, A. ‘Appropriate Delivery for Who? The Community Solar Imaginary’. RGS-IGB Annual Conference, University of Exeter, 1-4 September 2015

Clements, A., McCulloch, A. and Mohr, A. ‘The Energy Cultures Framework as a tool for designing sustainable energy services in the Global South’. International Sustainability Transitions 2015 Conference, University of Sussex, 25-28 August 2015.  Mohr was also commentator and chair of the session.

Cuevas-Garcia, C and Hadley Kershaw, E. (2015) ‘Two specialists and a generalist walk into a bar… – Who’s got the power in inter- and trans-disciplinary research?' Enquire (School of Sociology and Social Policy Postgraduate Research Conference). University of Nottingham. 7 November 2015.

de Saille, S. 'Opening the black box of Responsible Stagnation'. Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (VIRI) meeting. March 2016

de Saille, S. 'Opening the black box of Responsible Stagnation'. LUCAS Seminar Series. University of Nottingham. March 2016

de Saille, S. 'Publics and the making of Responsible (Research and) Innovation'. ISS Seminar. University of Nottingham. 21 May 2015

de Saille, S. 'I, Carebot: RRI and Robotic Companions for the Elderly'. Also STS stream co-organiser. British Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Glasgow Caledonian University. 15-17 April 2015

de Saille, S. 'RRI and Inclusive Engagement: Imagining Sociotechnical Publics'. UCSIA International Workshop - Science Shaping the World of Tomorrow: Scientific Imagination and Development of Society. Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius, Antwerp, Belgium. 18-21 March 2015

de Saille, S. 'Exclusions in Inclusive Engagement'. Science, Technology and Innovation Systems: Dynamics, Governance and Public Policy. University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 3-6 March 2015.

de Saille, S. 'Responsible Innovation and the Disinvited Public' Winter School on the Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies. Center for Nanotechnology in Society - Arizona State University, Phoenix. 3-10 January 2015.

de Saille, S. ‘R(R)I and Democratic Governance: Voices from an Unruly
Public’. S.NET 6th Annual Meeting: Better Technologies With No Regret?. Karlsruhe, Germany. 21 September 2014

de Saille, S. 'In Search of an Unruly Public'. Situating Solidarities: social challenges for science and technology studies. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST). Torun, Poland 17-19 September 2014

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School of Sociology and Social Policy

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