Keep up to speed with our programme

Here we will provide regular updates so that you can keep up to speed with our programme with the latest updates from our Swim School team!

University of Nottingham Swim School

Swimming lesson cancellations 22.02.25-27.02.25

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the movable floor at the main pool has broken, and we only have deep water available. As a result, the following lessons will be cancelled from Saturday 22nd February - Thursday 27th February 2025:

  • Beginners
  • Foundation
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Adult Beginners
  • Teenagers 1, 2, 3

The following lessons will continue as normal:

  • Stage 3 deep water
  • Breaststroke Clinic
  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5
  • Stage 6
  • Stage 7
  • Stage 8
  • Stage 9
  • Teenagers 4
  • Adult Improvers (except for Thursday mornings) and Advanced

If your lesson has been cancelled, we will either credit or extend the course, information regarding this will follow at a later date when the floor is operational again. We do not have a date for when it will be fixed but please keep an eye on the website, your emails and the Facebook page for further updates.

The Early years lessons will be running as normal, the Hydro pool is unaffected.

Parking updates

The Sports department is currently working to improve the parking situation when events are hosted. It would help us to illustrate the challenges that our customers face by completing the parking survey, please click here to complete.

Updates to the programme

Over the last couple of years the University of Nottingham Aquatics team have introduced a number of changes to the programme to help improve the journey for swimmers and maximise a swimmers progress.

In 2022, we divided the existing Beginners group into two levels, Beginners and Foundation so lessons could be more focused on the swimmers needs based on water confidence and provide a faster progression through the stages. We also introduced Breaststroke clinics for Stage 3 - Stage 6 swimmers, to aid swimmers who were getting stuck within groups due to their Breaststroke.

In 2023, we reviewed the existing Stage 3 group, taking note that swimmers were spending longer in this stage due to the jump from swimming in shallow water to deep water and the difficulty of the criteria they were working towards. With this in mind we split Stage 3 into 2 levels - Stage 3 in shallow water which focuses on further developing their strokes and working towards 10m's in their strokes ready for deep water; and Stage 3 deep water which focuses on deep water confidence and recovering swimmers stroke technique once they move to deep water.

These developments have provided swimmers with a better progression through the stages and has raised the standard of stroke technique that the swimmers are developing.

Future updates

In December 2023, we successfully appointed a new full time Learn to Swim co-ordinator - Aimee Scadding to support with the running of the programme. Due to the success of the University of Nottingham Learn to swim scheme, the programme has grown and requires additional support.

The good news is we now have capacity to look at further developments and expansions. Our priorities are:

  • a new swim lesson management software system with more functionality which will allow online payments and home portal to see your child's progress
  • recruitment of more swim teachers to ensure that we can continue to maintain the programme and expand to offer more lessons


During January and February we will be hosting numerous events so please allow extra time for your journey and parking on the following dates:

  • Saturday 25th January
  • Friday 31st January
  • Saturday 1st - Sunday 2nd February
  • Friday 7th - Sunday 9th February
  • Saturday 22nd - Sunday 23rd February
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