
At the University of Nottingham, we have a fantastic range of great value membership options available to support your health and fitness journey. And you don't need to be a student to take advantage of our state-of-the-art health and fitness facilties!

Find out more about our packages below.


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HPZ Gym 466x335

What's included with our great value membership packages

Benefits include:

done Your choice of 3 state-of-the-art fitness facilities
done Family friendly environment
done The latest in fitness technology
done Over 150 fitness classes every week
done On-site Club House Café
done On-site Sauna and Streamroom
done Discounted rates at our Sports Injury Clinic
A staff member giving a member a tour of David Ross Sports Village
Interested in visiting our facilities?

If you are interested in exploring more of what our sport centres have to offer, you can arrange a tour of our facilities with one of our friendly team or book to try our fitness suite for free.

To book your tour or arrange to try our fitness suite, please complete this form and one of our team will be in touch. Please allow at least 48 hours from your request of a free trial or visit.

Request a free tour or trial
Student membership Student memberships

Our student sport and fitness membership is the very best option to #FindYourActive with us here on campus.

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staff memberships Staff memberships

Our staff UoN sport and fitness membership package offer great value for money as well as a convenient location for your workplace!

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Public gym membership Nottingham Public memberships

You don't have to be a student to take advantage of our facilities. We've got a range of options to help you meet your fitness goals.

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Alumni or associate gym membership nottingham university Alumni and Associates

If you are a former student or associate at the University, then we offer exclusive discounted rates on our popular membership packages.

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corporate Corporate / Business offer

If your company is looking to support your employees to look after their wellbeing, we can help with our popular corporate packages.

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Promotional Passes - University of Nottingham Sport Promotional passes

Want to try our facilities before committing to a membership package? We have promotional passes on offer throughout the year!

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Pay as you go - University of Nottingham Sport Pay as you Go

Pay as you play is available to students, staff, alumni, associates and the local community all year round.

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Sauna and Steam Room - David Ross Sports Village - University of Nottingham Health & Wellbeing Suite pass

Complete with a sauna, steam room and ice fountain, you can add a pass to our Health and Wellbeing Suite to your membership package.

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