Pay As You Go

We offer sport, health and fitness opportunities to suit every lifestyle. If it's flexibility you're looking for, our Pay as You Go offer allows you to use facilities at David Ross Sports Village, Jubilee Sports Centre and Sutton Bonington Sports Centre.

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Fitness instructor - David Ross Sports Village2022

Flexible activities to suit you

Our membership packages offer the best value for money here at University of Nottingham Sport, but we also offer a range of our most popular activities on a Pay as You Go basis across all three of our campus sports facilities. You can book and pay for a single activity at a time - choose from working out in our fitness suite, taking a dip in the pool and much much more!

What activities are available?


Fitness Suites


Group exercise class


Swimming pool 


Climbing wall 


Squash / Racketball court


Badminton / Pickleball court 


Table Tennis


Snooker table


Indoor sports hall (for basketball, volleyball, futsal or netball)


Outdoor court (for 3 v 3 basketball, netball or tennis)


Just Play session (UoN students and staff only)

How to join as a Pay As You Go member

  • Call us on +44 (0)115 74 87000
  • Visit one of our sports centres in-person
  • Join online using the links below
New members who have not held a UoN membership before Click to join
Returning members with an account already Login to join

How to book your activity

You can check availability and book in advance for all our Pay as You Go activities:

  • Online
  • By calling us on +44 (0) 115 748 7000
  • At any of our sports centre receptions

Once booked, you can simply swipe in with your University student or staff card upon arrival. Other customers will be provided with an access card upon your first visit. 

Our Pay as You Go pricing

  • There is a £10 annual joining fee for Pay as You Go customers 
  • Off-peak prices are £7.00 per person
  • Peak prices are £8.00 per person
  • Our off-peak pricing applies from Open - 3pm, and weekends
  • Our peak pricing applies from 3pm - Close (except on weekends)
  • Just Play, IMS and staff health and fitness voucher customers do not need to pay the £10 joining fee. 
Female football player at David Ross Sports Village 3G Pitch hire

Looking for a pitch? We have a range of floodlit artificial pitches available at very competitive rates, with discounts during the University holidays.

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Young boy swimming at David Ross Sports Village Kids activities

Want to bring your children to try a fun range of activities including swimming and climbing? £3 during term-time, activities are free for members during University holidays.

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David Ross Sports Village fitness suite Membership

Our range of membership packages offer the best value option for using our extensive health and fitness facilities.

View our membership options
Female lifting free weights at David Ross Sports Village
Grab one of our great value passes

Throughout the year we offer a range of promotional passes to try out our popular fitness activities across all three of our campus sports centres. These are a great chance to try out our offer before committing to a full membership. 

Check out what's available