Discovery programme (Secondary)

Open to Year 10 - 13 pupils, our popular Secondary Discovery programme aims to raise awareness of student life and raise aspirations to attend university for your pupils. Hosted in part at our flagship venue, the David Ross Sports Village, we deliver a combined sport and academic focus.

This outreach programme is free-of-charge for all Nottinghamshire schools and colleges where at least 30% of your group qualify for free school meals. 

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Pupils try climbing at David Ross Sports Village

What does the Discovery programme involve?

Our Discovery programme covers three separate sessions for your group, all free-of-charge. The series is delivered by our professional staff alongside University of Nottingham student ambassadors.

Transport to and from David Ross Sports Village is covered for your group and all pupils will receive a University of Nottingham Sport goody bag. We do ask that you bring lunch, drinks and snacks with you. 

Session 1 - David Ross Sports Village (October - December)
  • Timings - 9.30am - 3pm (Mondays, Thursdays)
  • Tour of David Ross Sports Village
  • Workshop: Is University right for me?
  • Workshop tailored to your group
  • Two different sports tasters (e.g. climbing, ultimate frisbee or wheelchair basketball)
  • Q & A session
Session 2 - At your school / college (February - April)
  • 1.5 - 2 hour session (flexible to suit your school)
  • Led by University of Nottingham students
  • Sports session
  • 'A day in student life' presentation
Session 3 - David Ross Sports Village (May - June)
  • Timings - 9.30am - 3pm (Mondays, Thursdays)
  • Tour of campus and University accommodation
  • Workshop: Understanding student finance and budgeting
  • Workshop tailored to your group
  • Sports taster
  • Student panel Q & A session

Is it for my school?

  • Suitable for Years 10-13
  • Open to all schools / colleges in Nottinghamshire
  • Space for up to 30 pupils
  • Pupils have an interest in sport 
  • At least 30% of your group must be eligible for free school meals 
  • School staff must be present to supervise pupils throughout the day / session 

How do we find out more?

To find out more about our Discovery programme for secondary schools, please contact Natalie Braisby at

We've also included some answers to our most frequently asked questions below. 

All aspects of the Discovery Day were really valuable - seeing the students learning new skills and improving in confidence was wonderful.

Sarah Johnson
Redhill Academy

Your questions

Return coach transport to and from your school/college is provided by the University of Nottingham - we will book this once your staff/pupil numbers are confirmed. Please make us aware of any parking and pick up/drop off requirements for your school/college. If you have your own transport, e.g. school minibus, you are welcome to park free of charge at the David Ross Sports Village.

Yes, we ask that the same cohort of students attend all three Discovery Days. This helps us to have a meaningful impact on their knowledge of student life and aspirations to attend University. 

The funding used to run our Discovery Day series free-of-charge is linked to encouraging pupils from a low socio-economic background, where progression to higher education is lower. We are therefore using the free school meal criteria as a key identifier.

We ask that pupils please come ready to take part in sport or have a change of clothes. School uniform is at the individual school’s discretion. Please also bring lunch, snacks and a drink for the day.

Yes - the programme is suitable for pupils with accessibility needs. All our venues are accessible (link to facilities page) and we can adapt all the sessions as needed. Please get in touch with us to discuss any requirements. 

Overall, you as the school / college are responsible for the students and ensuring sufficient staffing. Whilst on campus, there will be at least one member of UoN Sport staff facilitating the day, along with a small team of student ambassadors supporting.