Our informal EDI staff groups provide an opportunity for university staff with a common interest, role or life exprience to meet informally in a virtual setting (via MS Teams and/or Yammer Groups) to share knowledge and experiences, facilitate communication, promote social networking and provide support for each other. 

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Neurodiversity Staff Network

The informal Neurodiversity Staff Network was launched in March 2021 for members of university staff who identify as neurodiverse, whether formally diagnosed or not. The network aims to provide a dedicated peer support and information sharing resource to help understanding and meet individual needs for information and peer support.  

Neurodiversity refers to the infinite variation in human neurocognitive functioning and behaviour. Some estimates put the proportion of Neurodivergent individuals in the general population at 10% or more. These people experience atypical cognitive functioning and may be diagnosed with Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD), Dyslexia or Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia.

People may have diagnoses of one or more neurodivergences in common, but how these manifest may be very different – after all, we are some of the most interesting, energetic and creative people around! 

The Neurodiversity Staff Network provides a forum to talk openly about strengths and weaknesses and how to access resources to help replace negative, deficit-based stereotypes of neuro-minorities with a more balanced valuation of their gifts and needs. Although we have a number of experienced researchers in the network, we are not offering diagnoses or professional advice, but we are able to offer a community.

Members of staff who identify as neurodiverse can find out more by emailing pat.brundell@nottingham.ac.uk  or join the network by asking to join the MS team.

People who do not identify as neurodiverse but are interested in finding out more, supporting those who are or learning more about our current research into neurodiversity may find the Neurodiversity at Nottingham MS team an incredibly valuable space.

Pat Brundell