Archive for 2010

07.07.2010 Interviews Comments Off on History of Cybernetics

History of Cybernetics

An interview with Professor Katherine Hayles, Duke University, author of How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics.

Untitled from Neil Baker on Vimeo.

07.07.2010 Interviews Comments Off on Sketches of Another Future

Sketches of Another Future

An Interview with Professor Andrew Pickering, University of Exeter, author of The Cybernetic Brain: Sketches of Another Future.

Sketches of Another Future from Neil Baker on Vimeo.

21.05.2010 Main page boxes Comments Off on About us

About us

The Nottingham Science Technology Culture Research Group is an interdisciplinary initiative concerned with theories about technology and the relations between science, technology and culture.

The group was established in 2003 and includes members from the Department of French and… Read more

21.05.2010 Main page boxes No Comments

Forthcoming events

The group currently meets for reading sessions

21.05.2010 Main page boxes No Comments


  • Katherine Hayles (Duke University)
  • Andrew Pickering (University of Exeter)

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