
We have good systems and processes to ensure the academic quality of our courses.  But if you are unhappy with any part of your course, please talk to someone in your school initially who is directly involved which should hopefully resolve your concern.

We do have formal processes which allow certain cases or decisions to be reviewed. 

What is an academic appeal?


What Decisions Can Be Appealed?


What Cannot Be Appealed?


What reasons can I use to appeal?


How can I submit an appeal?


Tips for Submission


What evidence can I submit to support my appeal?


What is the appeal process?



Case Studies

Student A took exams in May/June and resits in August, suspecting they had ADHD/ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder. Over the summer, they were diagnosed with ADHD and received a medical report in August, but only got it after the resits. In September, they were informed they failed some modules and had to retake the year.

Student A appealed the decision, citing Extenuating Circumstances due to their ADHD diagnosis. They provided the medical report as evidence, explaining that ADHD affected their concentration and exam performance.

The case handler asked about the timing of the diagnosis report, and Student A clarified it was received in mid-September. The appeal was upheld, allowing the student to retake the year as first-sits under the Policy on long-term conditions or disabilities affecting student’s ability to study and complete assessment .

Student B submitted an extenuating circumstances (EC) claim after their results were released, citing anxiety and difficulty concentrating during an exam due to traffic delays. They emailed their personal tutor immediately after the exam to explain but did not submit an EC claim within 5 days as advised. Their EC claim was not considered because it was out of time.

 After failing the exam, the student appealed the decision requiring reassessments, providing the email exchange with their tutor as evidence. The student explained their poor performance was due to anxiety and requested their resit to count as a first-sit.

The appeal was not upheld because they did not submit the EC claim before the exam board met and failed to provide a reason or evidence for this delay.                                                                                                                      

Student C submitted an Extenuating Circumstances (EC) claim for a written exam, requesting cancellation of late penalties. The EC panel rejected this because exam submissions over a certain time receive a zero, and late penalties only apply to coursework.

Student C appealed, arguing the EC outcome was unreasonable, providing screenshots showing they submitted the exam 10 minutes late without editing it after the deadline.

The appeal was rejected because regulations do not allow late penalties for exams, and the submission window already included 30 minutes for IT issues.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


To appeal decisions (including EC decisions) made by Exam Boards meeting before 23 September 2024 use the Academic Appeals Policy 2023/24.

To appeal decisions (including EC decisions) made by Exam Boards meeting after 23 September 2024 use the Academic Appeals Code of Practice 2024/25


Support with an appeal

If you’re submitting an appeal and need some advice, or you’re awaiting your appeal outcome and would like some help understanding the process, we recommend speaking to Students’ Union Advice who offer a free, impartial service to support you.

Different procedures apply at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and the University of Nottingham Malaysia.

We also have a guide to completing the appeal form, which includes explanations of the different rights and grounds that apply to appeals, as well as information about the sort of evidence that is often submitted as part of an appeal.

Academic Appeal - guidance on completing the form