
If you have been recruited – or are interested in applying – for an invigilator role during the exam period at the University of Nottingham, this webpage contains all the information you need to know.

We employ University of Nottingham postgraduate research students (PhD, MPhil and Professional Doctorate only) and individuals from the wider community to act as invigilators for main and alternative examinations – in both paper-based and computer-based exam formats. This process is managed by our Exam Operations (Exam Ops) team.

Examinations take place on University Park Campus, King's Meadow Campus (KMC), Jubilee Campus, and Sutton Bonington Campus, as well as at Derby Medical School.



About invigilation

Main invigilation duties

  • Collecting examination papers from the Exams Office
  • Preparing examination rooms
  • Time keeping
  • Actively patrolling during examinations
  • Dealing with problems/queries during the examination by following guidelines set out by the university
  • Providing assistance to students where appropriate
  • Collection of examination scripts at the end of the examination
  • Returning examination scripts to the Exams Office

 Essential criteria

  • Applicants must be a postgraduate research student registered at the University of Nottingham, or be from outside the university
  • Excellent command of English
  • Confident computer-user (web-based applications and Microsoft Word)
  • High degree of personal initiative and responsibility
  • Reliable and dependable
  • Proven ability to follow procedures
  • Demonstrates a sensitive approach to individual students


Invigilator Rates of Pay
Role Hourly Rate (including holiday pay)
Senior Invigilator £16.40
Assistant/Room Invigilator £13.83


Invigilators are employed as casual workers and as such, there are no minimum number of hours guaranteed. Non-students are employed as casual workers via our HR department and students are employed via Unitemps.

Various hours are available from approximately 8am to 8pm on Monday to Saturday during examination periods. For further guidance please visit the casual workers webpage.


Application process

The application form is currently closed. A date to re-open it is to be confirmed. If you have recently submitted an application, this will be kept on record, so you will not need to apply again. We will be in touch regarding the status of your application as soon as dates are confirmed for our next recruitment window.  

Please Note: if you are a current invigilator, you do not need to re-apply for invigilation work. 


Examination dates 


Autumn exams: Monday 15 January 2024 - Saturday 27 January 2024

Spring exams: Monday 20 May 2024 - Saturday 8 June 2024

Reassessment period: Monday 12 August 2024 - Saturday 31 August 2024 (dates TBC)

For future years, please see our key dates webpage.


Information for departments

Invigilators are hired and trained by the Exams Ops team for the purpose of supporting centrally scheduled examinations and termtime ExamSys examinations.

Important Information for the 2023-2024 Academic Session:

During the 2023-2024 Academic Session assessment is primarily remote however, there are some exceptions to this. If you require invigilators for an in-person examination please contact the Exams Office ensuring that you allow at least 6 weeks before the examination date so that invigilators can be procured, trained and given a new CA/Unitemps number to enable payment.

For Departments wishing to run in-house written examinations during termtime, Exams Ops will facilitate the Department’s access to invigilators but Departments need to ensure that there are valid Casual Assignment numbers or Unitmeps roles set up with HR/Unimtemps so payment can be made from your budget. Exams Ops shall no longer organise invigilation services on the Department’s behalf. This does not apply to ExamSys examinations which the Exams Ops will continue to support and provide invigilators for. 

Exams Ops can share the list of Invigilators who opt in to work for In Departmental exams, if requested. Departments need to ensure that they liaise with the invigilator(s) and set up a Casual Assignment number with HR prior to using an invigilator. Departments can also request to use Exams Ops’ student invigilators who are registered with Unitemps. Departments will have to book the invigilators under a separate job with Unitemps and payments should be made by using the departmental budget code.  Again, this needs to be done prior to invigilators commencing work. 

In house exam procedure

All invigilators are trained in the policies and procedures outlined in the Invigilation Training Manual, and in accordance with the Quality Manual. For guidance on centrally scheduled examinations, please refer to the Invigilation Training Manual. Departments should brief invigilators on any specific in-house requirements which differ from central procedures. Departments should in every instance be aware of, and accommodate any alternative arrangements for students.

Departments are welcome to contact Exams Ops for assistance with general queries or guidance on any examination procedure. Exams Ops shall not be responsible for the conduct of invigilators in examinations which are not managed centrally or are not ExamSys. 

Rates of pay

Departments are responsible for submitting invigilator payments directly to Payroll for in-house examinations. Invigilators are Casual Workers and should therefore be paid by submitting to payroll a CSV09 (electronic), or a PAY01a (paper), using a departmental project code. These forms are available on Workspace.

Before any invigilation work is carried out, each invigilator should provide his or her payroll number and current casual assignment number. 

Please note:  Departments are responsible for setting up the casual assignment number for your department and the invigilator is responsible for ensuring they provide an accurate, in-date assignment number to be paid with.

The Exams Ops rate of pay for invigilators can be found in the Payment section above. If you wish you pay at a different rate, please ensure invigilators are made aware of this in advance. Please also make clear to invigilators what hours you will be paying for time before and after examinations for administrative duties.

Contact list

If you would like a list of invigilators who have indicated they are willing to be contacted to fulfil departmental requests, please email our invigilators team.

Departments must contact Exams Ops directly to request the contact list. The list should not be passed between Departments. Invigilator details should be kept secure and never shared with third parties, or with other invigilators. As this list may change, Departments are responsible for requesting an updated copy regularly.

Some invigilators are trained in computer-based exams, whilst others are not. Please make your exam requirements clear when you send requests. Please also make clear where, when, and to whom invigilators should report, as well as their role – e.g. lead, assistant. When contacting invigilators, please also clearly state that it is a departmental exam request.