Services for Students

Pre-screenings for Autism

The University of Nottingham Health Service offer initial pre-screening appointments with a Mental Health Clinician to determine the possibility of Autism. If a referral is clinically indicated and made to the Autism service by the clinician, the patient will be contacted directly in due course by the service if the referral is accepted.  This is an NHS service, and access to it is based on the Cripps Health Centre catchment area.

In general, you can only be referred for an autism assessment as an adult through your GP or NHS secondary mental health services.  If you live outside of the catchment area for the University of Nottingham Health Service, please check the following sources for guidance:

As Autism is a specialist area of clinical care, patients need to request an appointment with a Mental Health Clinician to discuss their concerns. If you are registered as a patient at the University of Nottingham Health Service, pre-screening appointments for Autism can be made through contacting the University of Nottingham Health Service reception on 0115 846 8888.

Useful information from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS and the Neurodevelopmental Specialist Service can be found here.



Screenings and formal assessments for other specific learning differences such as dyslexia, dyspraxia

If you are a student registered at the University of Nottingham and think you may be dyslexic, have dyspraxia, ADHD or another specific learning difference, you can use our free online screening tool, the Do-It-Profiler.

On completion of a series of questions and tasks, the Do-It-Profiler gives you a personalised report. Although it does not identify specific learning differences, and so cannot be used as a basis for a Support Plan, the tool gives you information and resources, along with guidance to help you decide if you want a formal assessment. The Do-It-Profiler is not an exam - you cannot pass or fail it. 

Requesting access to the Do-It-Profiler

You will need to log-in to Studentlife.  The Do-It Profiler is in Resources which you can search by using keywords, e.g. screening.  To be taken to the Do-IT Profiler resource, click this link.

Guidance documents:

  • Do-It Profiler Results Guidance document to help you understand your results and consider next steps. Available here to download.
  • A step by step guide to arranging a formal diagnostic assessment (including examples of assessment providers and how to apply for means-tested help with assessment costs too, where applicable). Available here to download.

Term-time: We offer weekly workshops to help you understand your Do-IT Profiler results.  The workshops take place on Wednesday afternoons during term time.  Check Studentlife for the next workshop

Non term-time: Our specialist Study Support Tutors offer short ‘Quick Query’ appointments to answer your questions during the holiday periods. Please log-in to StudentLife and select one of the ‘I have a quick query....’ appointment types.



Screenings and formal assessments for ADHD

If you are a student registered at the University of Nottingham and wish to be screened for ADHD we suggest you first use our free online screening tool, the Do-It-Profiler.  You will need to log-in to Studentlife.  To be taken to the Do-IT Profiler resource, click this link.

Term-time: We offer weekly workshops to help you understand your Do-IT Profiler results.  The workshops take place on Wednesday afternoons during term time.  Check Studentlife for the next workshop

Non term-time: Our specialist Study Support Tutors offer short ‘Quick Query’ appointments to answer your questions during the holiday periods. Please log-in to StudentLife and select one of the ‘I have a quick query....’ appointment types.

Please also watch this short video below which explains how to get assessed for ADHD.  

The links mentioned in the video are:

Advice on how to get a referral from your GP, and what to do if a referral is refused

Advice on private assessments and transferring to NHS medical care

General information on ADHD

Why should I have a formal assessment for SpLD?

A formal assessment from a qualified assessor may help you understand if you have a specific learning difference. This can give you an improved understanding of how you learn to help you to develop your study strategies.
The assessor will create a report that could help you apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) if you are from the UK, which can fund specialist software and support for your studies. The report may also identify the need to give you reasonable adjustments in exams.
How much does a formal assessment for SpLD cost?

A formal assessment for SpLD (e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD) typically costs between £350 and £550. You will need to pay this, but you can complete a Help with Diagnostic Costs Form to see if you qualify for a contribution towards the cost of the assessment from the University.

Formal Assessments for Autism do not qualify for UoN funding as they are provided by the NHS via the medical diagnostic route. Please click here for further details on this service.

How can I find out about a formal ADHD assessment?

If you wish to be assessed for ADHD, you can request either a clinical assessment or an educational assessment. 

An educational assessment can usually be undertaken much more quickly than a clinical assessment, but it cannot be used to prescribe medication for the treatment of ADHD. Educational assessments can be carried out by Dyslexia Association assessors or psychologists qualified in ADHD identification, as well as some Specialist Teachers.

An educational ADHD assessment report can be used as a basis for a Support Plan and to apply for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). Please read further details about DSA here.

Apprentices and non home fee status students should contact us direct by emailing

A clinical assessment for ADHD will allow you to be prescribed medicine if you are diagnosed with ADHD. You can find a clinical assessment centre yourself or you can request an NHS assessment from your doctor.

The University of Nottingham Health Service offer initial pre-screening appointments with a Mental Health Clinician to determine the possibility of ADHD. If a referral is clinically indicated and made to the ADHD service by the clinician, the patient will be contacted directly in due course by the service if the referral is accepted.

As ADHD is a specialist area of clinical care, patients need to request an appointment with a Mental Health Clinician to discuss their concerns. Pre-screening appointments for ADHD can be made through contacting your GP.  Students who are registered with the GPs at Cripps Health Centre can contact the University of Nottingham Health Service reception on 0115 846 8888.

An NHS assessment is free of charge but it can take up to two years – please email if you have started this process. 

How can I find out about a formal dyslexia or dyspraxia assessment?

Educational psychologists and specialist teachers who hold an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) can carry out formal assessments for specific learning differences. You will need to find the assessor yourself, even if you qualify for financial assistance. 
Please check that the assessor is experienced in identifying the specific learning difference you are investigating and that their report can be used to apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance if you are from the UK. 

If you want to be assessed for dyslexia, dyspraxia or dyscalculia, you can use the British Psychological Society’s website to find an educational psychologist. Should you choose to use another assessor, they should have an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) from any of the following: 

  • Patoss - You will have to register first (it is free) and make sure you tick the box next to ‘Only show tutors who hold a Patoss APC’
  • Dyslexia Action
  • The British Dyslexia Association 



Student Services

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