
Why have a formal assessment?

A formal assessment from a qualified assessor may help you understand if you have a specific learning difference. This can give you an improved understanding of how you learn to help you to develop your study strategies.
The assessor will create a report that could help you apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) if you are from the UK, which can fund specialist software and support for your studies. The report may also identify the need to give you reasonable adjustments in exams.

The University of Nottingham does not have an in-house assessment service, but Disability Support Services can offer guidance on screening services.


The University of Nottingham Health Service offers initial pre-screening appointments with their Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in dedicated weekly appointment slots bookable via the Practice Reception Team.

Pre-screening appointments for Autism can be made through contacting the University of Nottingham Health Service reception on 0115 822 7979 or by speaking to the reception team in-person.

Where there are possible clinical indications of Autism, a referral is made to a specialist Autism service, which will be discussed in the pre-screening appointment. After a referral has been made, the specialist Autism service will contact you directly to let you know if the referral has been accepted. This is an NHS service, and access to it is based on the Cripps Health Centre catchment area.

You can only be referred for an NHS Autism assessment as an adult through GP or NHS secondary mental health services if already open to you. If you live outside of the catchment area for the University of Nottingham Health Service, please check the following sources for guidance:

NHS how to get diagnosed advice and guidance

As Autism is a specialist area of clinical care, the above process must always be followed as there is detailed specific information required from the patient before the appointment takes place. If a routine GP appointment to discuss Autism assessment is booked the above process will still always be needed.

An NHS assessment is free of charge, but it is currently taking 38 months for an NHS Autism assessment to take place.  Please email Disability Support Services if you have started this process.

If you already have a diagnosis of Autism



If you are a student registered at the University of Nottingham and wish to be screened for ADHD we suggest you first use our free online screening tool, the Do-It-Profiler.

For feedback on your Do-It Profiler results:

Term-time: to help you understand your Do-IT Profiler results book into our weekly webinar

Non term-time: Our Specialist Study Support Tutors offer ‘Quick Query appointment' to answer your questions during the holiday periods.

If you wish to be assessed for ADHD, you can request either a clinical assessment or an educational assessment.  

Educational assessment
Clinical assessment

Watch this short video which explains how to get assessed for ADHD. Select the double arrow icon to pop out view to full screen.

The links mentioned in the video are:

Other specific learning differences such as dyslexia and dyspraxia

If you are a student registered at the University of Nottingham and think you may be dyslexic, have dyspraxia, or another specific learning difference, you can use our free online screening tool, the Do-It-Profiler. The Do-It-Profiler is not an exam - you cannot pass or fail it. 

On completion of a series of questions and tasks, the Do-It-Profiler gives you a personalised report. Although it does not identify specific learning differences, and so cannot be used as a basis for a Support Plan, the tool gives you information and resources, along with guidance to help you decide if you want a formal assessment. 

Requesting access to the Do-It-Profiler

The Do-It Profiler is a resource in Studentlife. Request access to the Do-It-Profiler.

Feedback on your Do-It Profiler results
How much does a formal assessment cost?
Is there a step-by-step guide to arranging a formal assessment?
How do I find an assessor?