
We can arrange Support Workers by referral from your Disability Adviser or Specialist Study Support Tutor.

Support Workers can provide: 

  • Typed or handwritten notetaking in taught classes
  • Exam mentoring, reading and/or scribing
  • Study assistant mentoring
  • Practical support assistance in labs
  • Sighted guiding

If you would like to request access to this service please make an appointment with your Disability Adviser or Specialist Study Support Tutor.  If your DSA report or Educational Psychologist's report recommends consideration must be given to providing a scribe or assistive technology in examinations please make an appointment by emailing Disability Support Services.

Please note that you must not ask your support worker to do any additional work for you without the express permission of your Specialist Study Support Tutor or Disability Adviser.

Arranging notetaking support

The Support Worker Service will contact you once they have received a referral and ask you to email a copy of your timetable as soon as you can.  After you have been allocated a Support Worker it is your responsibility to:

  • Respond promptly to contact/emails from your Support Worker.
  • Inform both your Support Worker and the Support Worker Service as soon as you find out about any timetable changes or cancellations.
  • Give the Support Worker feedback if you require the notes to be written in a particular way.
  • Adhere to the Code of Discipline to ensure that your working relationship with your Support Worker is as positive as possible, for both you and your Support Worker.  This means ensuring that your Support Worker and any Support Work staff are treated with respect and dignity.
  • Email the Support Worker Service if you do not receive your notes within the agreed timescale or if you have any concerns about your support work.

Interested in becoming a Support Worker?

Support Worker roles and responsibilities

If you have an enquiry regarding support work or becoming a Support Worker please email the Support Worker Service.