
On the day

On this page you'll find...

Schedule of the day

Here's a rundown of the graduation agenda so you can ensure you're on time and ready to shine!

10.30am ceremony

Check-in and gowning: from 8.30am

Ceremony hall opens: 9.30am

Check-in and gowning completed by: 9.45am

Graduates seated by: 10am

Ceremony: 10.30-11.45am

Gown return closes: 7.30pm (6pm on Thursday 31 July)

1.30pm ceremony

Check-in and gowning: from 8.30am (9.30am on Wednesday 23 July)

Ceremony hall opens: 12.30pm

Check-in and gowning completed by: 12.45pm

Graduates seated by: 1pm

Ceremony: 1.30-2.45pm

Gown return closes: 7.30pm (6pm on Thursday 31 July)

4pm ceremony

Check-in and gowning: from 8.30am (9.30am on Wednesday 23 July)

Ceremony hall opens: 3pm

Check-in and gowning completed by: 3.15pm

Graduates seated by: 3.30pm

Ceremony: 4pm-5.15pm

Gown return closes: 7.30pm


Guide to your day

We want to make sure your graduation is as stress-free as possible. To help you feel at ease and enjoy the day, it's helpful to have a good idea of what to expect. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you make the most of your special day. 

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1. Travel and arrival

Graduation ceremonies are held at David Ross Sports Village, on University Park Campus, which is well served by public transport.

If arriving by car, security will meet you and direct you to the nearest parking space. This will be on campus but could be up to a 15-minute walk from David Ross Sports Village.

Car icon

2. Parking 

Parking is available on University Park Campus for graduation, but may be up to a 15-minute walk away. More information about how to book parking will be available closer to the ceremonies.

If you or your guests are blue badge holders, you do not need to pay for parking, provided you display your badge. 

Ticket icon

3. Check-in and tickets

Head to David Ross Sports Village to check-in and collect your tickets and wristbands from the check-in desks. You will also receive your seat number at this point.

Remember, check-in closes 45 minutes before your ceremony start time.


Graduation cap icon

4. Gowning 

Collect your gown and hood from David Ross Sports Village. Don’t forget to bring your booking number with you. The gowning team will be on hand to ensure your gown and hood are properly fitted.

If you have time, make your way to the photography studios to get your official photos taken.

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5. Ceremony 

Ensure you are seated in the ceremony hall 30 minutes before your ceremony start time.

Guest seating is not allocated, so arrive early to secure a good spot. Stewards will be on hand to assist with seating.

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6. Special moment 

The ceremony will begin promptly at the time advertised on your ticket.

When it is your time, stewards will guide you to the stage. As your name is called, you’ll cross the stage, have your photo taken and celebrate your achievement! 


Camera icon

7. Photography 

Guests are welcome to take photography and video during the ceremony, but please refrain from using flash photography.

After your ceremony, you can have your official photographs taken or explore the photo opportunities around the Graduation Village.

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8. Post-ceremony

Make your way to the post-ceremony area for a drinks reception. You’ll also find food and drink available for purchase, along with University of Nottingham merchandise at our stalls.


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9. Gown return 

At the end of your day, don't forget to return your gown to the designated return point.