
Official photography and video


Official photography will be available before and after your ceremony, in the marquee outside David Ross Sports Village and at East Midlands Conference Centre, and doesn't need to be booked in advance. Our official photographers will also capture your special moment as you cross the stage.

A selection of products and prices can be found on Tempest Photography's website. You will need to order your chosen package directly from Tempest's website, using the reference number you are given when you have your photos taken.


MyGraduationFilm will provide video coverage of your ceremony, capturing your special moment on stage. Digital downloads can be ordered from their website. Their use of zoom lenses allows them to get close to the action, producing a dynamic recording of your big moment.  


Capturing your day

As well as the official photography available on the day, there will be lots of opportunities to take photos in your hood and gown with friends and loved ones. We have a variety of photo opportunities around the Graduation Village, including our giant UoN letters and of course, across our beautiful campus.