Services for Students

Funding for postgraduate students 

Securing funding for postgraduate study (Masters or Doctorate) can be a complicated and competitive process, but there are usually opportunities available if you start looking early enough.

Try following our Step by Step Guide below and use the links to help you find funding for your course.

It is important that when you start your course you have sufficient funds, or an achievable plan in place to obtain funds, to cover both your tuition fees and living costs.

Step 1 - Loans from the SLC

Investigate whether you are eligible for a loan from the Student Loans Company (SLC)

Masters students - home and some EU students (see below)

The Government offers Postgraduate Masters Loans of up to £12,167 for students living in England and studying a taught or research Masters course commencing on or after 1 August 2023. To be eligible for the loan you must not be 'topping up' a lower level course or use ROL/APL credits towards the Masters course. 

For further guidance click here: Funding information for Masters Loans

EU students eligibility for the loan will change from 1 August 2022 - please refer to the website

Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland are also offering loans for Masters courses for new students from August 2023

Doctoral students - home and some EU students (see below)

The Government is offering a £28,673 student loan towards the cost of studying a Doctorate (towards fees and living costs - paid to the student) from the Student Loans Company. You need to be living in England, starting a course on or after 1 August 2023 and be studying a full stand alone PhD. To be eligible for the loan you must not be 'topping up' a lower level course or use ROL/APL credits towards the PhD.

For further guidance click here: Funding information for Doctoral Loans

EU students eligibility for the loan will change from 1 August 2022 - please refer to the website

Student Finance Wales also offer a doctoral loan.

There are strict eligibility requirements for Postgraduate Loans. You should ensure you understand these eligibility requirements prior to applying.

Step 2 - Scholarships and Studentships

Find funding using the University's 'Funding Search'

Explore the University of Nottingham Studentships which usually cover tuition fees and provide a contribution towards living costs.

EU and International Students

The University's International Scholarship team holds a large portfolio of Scholarships for both international and EU students. They also have links to further information about external sources of funding and sponsorship.

Step 3 - Talk to us

Talk to your School at the University - eg School of History, School of Chemistry

Schools administer the University's research funding and have specific funds for certain research areas. They can also advise on external sources of funding including UK Research Councils. 

Speak to your prospective supervisor about funding and ask their advice. If you apply for funding from a Research Council you will need to write a research proposal. Your supervisor should be willing to help you and ensure your proposal is sufficiently developed.

Step 4 - Doctoral Training Programmes

Take a look at our Doctoral Training Programmes which offer high quality training for postgraduate students and often include an industrial placement. Full funding is usually available for UK and EU students. 

Step 5 - External funding

Search the internet for external funding from businesses that relate to your area of specialism or from other external sources. We have a web page of links to get you started.

This online guide provides alternative sources of funding - especially charities - which can make awards (fees, maintenance, research costs) to any student regardless of subject, or nationality. For more information about how to access the alternative guide to postgraduate funding please visit the Careers Sources of Funding webpage.

Step 6  - Earnings

Earn while you learn!

Consider working alongside your studies to help fund your course. The Researcher Academy offers short paid placements and Unitemps is the University's in-house recruitment agency.


Useful information

If you have a child or children who are looked after by Ofsted Registered carers  (childminder, day nursery, after school care) you may be able to get limited help towards these costs from the University through the Childcare Support Fund - a University Support Fund to help with essential childcare costs - home, EU and international students can apply.

If you live in the UK and receive Government benefits eg child tax credit, Universal Credit; you must tell the relevant awarding body that you are going to be a student. They will ensure you continue to receive any benefits you are still entitled to but, be aware, that being a student may impact on your benefit provision. 


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