
Access emails, academic timetables, hopper bus timetables and your meal card - all in one place. Get the most out of your university experience with the MyNottingham app. Download it below.



MyNottingham app cropped


Switch your profile to access all features

If your IT account hasn't been activated yet, you'll start on the guest profile with limited features.

Once you've activated your IT account and registered online with the university, switch to the student profile to access all features, including emails, timetables (when available), and your library account. Follow the steps below to switch your profile.

Apple devices

  1. Tap the 'Settings' button along the bottom menu
  2. Tap 'Change Profile
  3. Tap 'UoN Username'
  4. Type in your university usename and password

Android devices

  1. Tap the three dots in the top right corner
  2. Tap the 'Settings' option
  3. Tap 'Change Profile'
  4. Tap 'UoN Username'
  5. Type in your university username and password and hit 'LOGIN'.


Having trouble with the MyNottingham app? Check the FAQs below to see if your query is answered here. If you can't find the answer to your question, or want to provide feedback, you can:

  1. Send feedback via the app using the 'Send Feedback' feature (on Apple devices, it's under 'Settings'; on Android you'll find it by tapping the three dots in the top right)
  2. Report a fault using the IT Service Desk.

I can't log into the app with my username


My timetable on the app is empty


I receive an error message when logging into Moodle on the app


I cannot access my email through the Outlook tile


I'm getting the error message 'Oops! It looks like something went wrong' when trying to use the Meal Card tile


Can I rearrange the homescreen?