Welcome to Midwifery

Hello, my name is Amanda Wain, and I am the Interim Lead for Pre-registration Midwifery Programmes.

My role is to ensure that all aspects of the course run as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on securing a place on the programme and thank you for choosing the University of Nottingham to study Midwifery.

Please do read through the information carefully. I would particularly like to clarify that you will be provided with a uniform by the university – free of charge. You'll be able to order your uniform during the first few weeks of your course.

Amanda Wain

I hope you are excited at the prospect of joining the course and starting the next stage of your journey through life. It is an exciting time, but it can also be daunting. You may be feeling apprehensive about being away from your family and friends, you may be concerned about what you have to learn on the course and whether you will cope with studying at this new and higher level, or maybe you’re just worried you won’t be able to cook for yourself or do your washing.    

Whatever your concerns you can be assured that the majority of students feel the same when they move away to university, and they find they cope and enjoy the freedom it brings and new friends. We're here to support you through your three years with us so please do come and talk to us if you have any concerns. You'll be allocated a personal tutor for the duration of the course who will be responsible for your pastoral care, but any staff member would be happy to talk to you. We're a friendly and approachable team as our current students will tell you.

If you have any concerns after reading the information on these pages or you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to welcoming you to the University of Nottingham and to the midwifery community.

Undergraduate induction timetable

Your induction is a programme of activities and events to introduce you to your school and course. It's important that you attend each induction activity to give you the best start to the year.

Save this page to your favourites, and check back regularly as timetables can change.

University card collection times and locations: Please visit the card collection webpage to find out when and where you can collect your card.

Additional Welcome Week events: Visit the events page to explore the exciting activities that you can get involved in across our campuses throughout Welcome Week.

Monday 25 September

Welcome activities taking place on Monday 25 September

10am–12 noon

Welcome to midwifery

Meet your new classmates. Find out more about what to expect. Welcome to the wonderful world of midwifery. This session marks the start of your new life

C2505, Medical School (C floor), Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC)


Midwifery leadership

An opportunity to meet the Lead Midwife for Education and the Academic Plan Lead

C2505, Medical School (C floor), QMC


Introduction to personal tutoring

You will be allocated a personal tutor – find out more about how they can support you in your studies

C2505, Medical School (C floor), QMC


What hat are you wearing? Being a professional student

Your actions can be the difference between life and death. This session explores professionalism in a light-hearted but meaningful way

C2505, Medical School (C floor), QMC


4 - 4:30pm

Meeting the NMC and NHSWTE

The NMC is our regulatory body and NHSWTE are responsible for the training and education of the NHS workforce. We are delighted to offer an opportunity for you to meet with them and find out more about the importance of their role, particularly as this is day one of your midwifery career.

Lecture theatre 3, QMC


Tuesday 26 September

Welcome activities taking place on Tuesday 26 September


The 3 D’s: how the Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) can help

Are you worried because you have a learning difference – don’t be. Our DLO will tell you what support there is

C1071,Medical School (C floor), QMC

10am–12 noon

Part of one big family

We recognise that it will feel strange coming to university – this session will hopefully avert these fears by making you part of the midwifery family

C1071, Medical School (C floor), QMC

12 noon–12.30pm

Support and wellbeing

This session highlights how we take your wellbeing seriously and what to do if you need support

C2505, Medical School (C floor), QMC


Wednesday 27 September

Welcome activities taking place on Wednesday 27 September


The year ahead

Wondering when you will find out about practice and

what the year ahead will look like?  Wonder no more. This session provides an overview of the midwifery programme

C77, Medical School (C floor), QMC

12 noon–1pm

Hopes, fears, expectations: you are not alone

A chance to talk to some of our second-year students about the realities of the course and the lessons they have learnt

C2505, Medical School (C floor), QMC


Meet and greet

Join other health science students in the foyer and see what the wider school can offer

Medical School foyer Medical School (A floor), QMC


Introduction to digital services (IT induction)


Discover our IT services, getting connected, accessing software and apps and staying safe online.

You can ask questions at our Smart Bar or check the help and support page.



Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 348 353 108 801
Passcode: 33frov

Download Teams | Join on the web


Thursday 28 September

Welcome activities taking place on Thursday 28 September

9am–12 noon

Time for Moodle resources

Moodle is our online platform. You can make a start on the mandatory training during this time.  Please note – you must be registered onto the programme to complete this



12 noon–12.30pm

Academic Language and Communication Skills (ALACS)

You will be reading for a degree – this session introduces academic and language skills at university level




Time for Moodle resources

Carry on with your mandatory training



Library resources

As you read for a degree, you need to be aware of the resources available




Health Sciences Undergraduates Library Welcome 

The link will take you to a list of Undergraduate Library Welcomes on Teams. Scroll through the list to find the session above. Click the session, then click "Join" at the scheduled start time: Thursday 28 September, 2-2.30pm


Time for Moodle resources

More time to complete your online requirements




Friday 29 September

Welcome activities taking place on Friday 29 September


Consent training

This is an important session for you personally and also professionally (as sadly, you will come across situations where consent has not happened)

Lecture Theatre 3 (LT3), Medical School (A floor), QMC

10–10.30 am

Final thoughts before your future starts

A chance to consolidate what you have been told over the last week and look forward to the weeks ahead

C1052, Medical School (C floor), QMC

11am–12 noon

Introduction to digital learning platforms

This session will iron out any problems you have had with online resources and will cover our expectations of you regarding communication

C77. Medical School (C floor), QMC

12 noon–2pm

Catch up

Space for you to finish off any admin needed starting your programme



Students’ Union (SU)

The SU is your union – they don’t just organise fun events, they’re there to represent you. Find out more during this session

Coates Road Auditorium, University Park Campus


Basic Emergency Care

This is your first taught theory session – working with students from other professional groups you will explore basic emergency care

Coates Road Auditorium, University Park Campus


If you struggle in finding the library session on the 28th September, 2-2:30pm, please follow the below guidance:

1. Click to join the Libraries Welcome Sessions Team

2. Select the channel for the type of welcome session you would like to join: Undergraduates or Masters Students

3. Find your specific Faculty / School welcome session on the list, click the session title, then click "Join" at the scheduled start time

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Health Sciences

Visit our contact us page to find the most relevant contact details for your query