Undergraduate induction timetable

Product Design and Manufacture Year 1

BEng/Meng (H700, H715, H71A, H71B, H71X, H71Y)

We are very happy to welcome you to the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. We look forward to seeing you for the Welcome Week, which commences on Monday 25 September.

Below you will find your induction timetable. You may find the University Map useful in helping you find your way around.  Some of the Welcome sessions are being delivered online through Microsoft Teams. You will be notified by email when these joining links are available on the M3 Departmental Handbook and Community Moodle page.

If you have any queries about starting your course, then please get in touch by emailing  EZ-  M3Eng@nottingham.ac.uk

Your induction is a programme of activities and events to introduce you to your school and course. It's important that you attend each induction activity to give you the best start to the year.

Save this page to your favourites, and check back regularly as timetables can change.

University card collection times and locations: Please visit the card collection webpage to find out when and where you can collect your card.


Monday 25 September

Welcome activities on Monday 25 September
Time Activity  Description Venue 


Arrival Time 

Please arrive between 9:30-10am to collect your M3 Hoodie! 

Coates Road Auditorium

(Number 51 on the University Park campus map) 


Welcome Address & Introduction - including Direct Entrants from other years 

Welcome message to all first-year undergraduate students in the Department of M3 

Coates Road Auditorium


Product Design & Manufacture Induction & course senior tutor intro.

An introduction to the first year of the Product Design & Manufacture undergraduate programme, from the programme director and year 1 lead. 

B165, L2 Building 


Product Design & Manufacture Group Activity & Tutor Meet 

An activity designed to introduce group working & in-person tutor meetings for all year 1 Product Design & Manufacture students. 

B165, L2 Building 


Students' Union (SU) - Welcome Fair 

Optional Session 

Opportunity for students to engage with the Students' Union and some of the welcome activities at the university to start becoming familiar with the campuses and student life. 

Please attend the Welcome Fair when you don't have Department sessions.

David Ross Sports Village, University Park 


Tuesday 26 September

Welcome activities on Tuesday 26 September
TimeActivity Description Venue


SU - Welcome Fair

Optional Session

This is an opportunity for you to engage with your Students' Union and some of the welcome activities at the university to start becoming familiar with the campuses and student life.

Please attend the Welcome Fair when you don't have Department sessions.

David Ross Sports Village, University Park


Introduction to Design

Mechanical & Manufacturing and Product Design & Manufacture Students

An introduction to the Year 1 Design Module (MMME1024), the EA Workshop timetable and other things to do before teaching starts in this module.

Coates Road Auditorium


Consent training

All First-Year students

A Session led by the University, Let's be Clear on Consent is a university initiative that aims to provide students with information about sexual consent as well as tackle the myths and misunderstandings. 

Pope A15


Intro to CAD / virtual desktop

All Students

A guide to using the remote Virtual Desktop application for CAD activities, for all new students in the department of M3.

Online using Microsoft Teams or web browser

At the scheduled start time, click here to join the meeting


IT Induction

All Students

Discover all about the IT services available to assist you with your studies, getting connected, access software and apps and staying safe online. https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/dts/knowledge-hub/it-induction/it-induction.aspx

Online using Microsoft Teams or web browser

At the scheduled start time, click here to join the meeting


UoN Racing Team (Formula Student)

Optional Session

Find out more about our electric car team and how you can get involved in the Formula Student competition. There are various mechanical and electrical engineering roles you can take up.

Please only attend this if you don't have Department sessions.

A09, Engineering & Science Learning Centre (ESLC)

This session is running in-person and online so if you prefer to join via Microsoft Teams - Click to join


University Park Welcome Village Evening Activities 

Optional Session 

The Welcome Villages are designed to offer student's a central location where they can drop-in and get involved in a range of different activity that embraces the full breadth of the University of Nottingham student experience. 
The villages will also host stands for key parts of the University to host Q&A stalls and their own activities to showcase their work and inform students. 

Please attend the evening activities when you don't have Department sessions.

Welcome Village-Trent East Car Park Marquee 


Wednesday 27 September

Welcome activities on Wednesday 27 September
TimeActivity Description Venue


Faculty Library Induction

All Students

Discover how to get started with our libraries including:

· an introduction to our eight libraries

· accessing our print and online collections, including leisure reading

· using the library discovery tool NUsearch to find resources and manage your library account.

· support for your academic and information skills

· who to contact for help.

Undergraduates: Welcome to Your University Libraries 

Engineering Undergraduates Library Welcome

The link will take you to a list of Undergraduate Library Welcomes on Teams. Scroll through the list to find the session above. Click the session, then click "Join" at the scheduled start time.

Having problems accessing the session? Try this: 

1. Click to join the Libraries Welcome Sessions Team

2. Select the channel for the type of welcome session you would like to join: Undergraduates or master's Students

3. Find your specific Faculty / School welcome session on the list, click the session title, then click "Join" at the scheduled start time.


SU Discover Nottingham

Optional Session

A chance for new students to find out what's on offer in Nottingham while you are at the University of Nottingham and to start becoming familiar with the city, campuses, and student life.

Please attend this when you don't have Department sessions.

Welcome Village Trent East car park Marquee


SU Induction

All Students

Virtual welcome talk from the UoN Student Union, for all new students in the Faculty of Engineering.

Online using Microsoft Teams or web browser 

At the scheduled start time, 

Click here to join the meeting


UoN Racing Team (Formula Student)

Optional Session

Find out more about our electric car team and how you can get involved in the Formula Student competition. There are various mechanical and electrical engineering roles you can take up.

Please only attend this if you don't have Department sessions.

A09, Engineering & Science Learning Centre (ESLC)

This session is running in-person and online so if you prefer to join via Microsoft Teams - Click to join


Open-source Assistive Devices (OPAD) Introductory Session

Optional Session

OPAD is an extra-curricular project group that brings together students and staff from across the university to design and manufacture assistive devices to help those who struggle to perform daily tasks due to illness, accident, or disabilities. Come along to this intro session to find out more about the current projects you could get involved in.



UP Welcome Village Evening Activities 

Optional Session 

The Welcome Villages are designed to offer students a central location where they can drop-in and get involved in a range of different activity that embraces the full breadth of the University of Nottingham student experience. 
The villages will also host stands for key parts of the University to host Q&A stalls and their own activities to showcase their work and inform students. 

Please attend this when you don't have Department sessions. 

Welcome Village-Trent East Car Park Marquee 


Thursday 28 September

Welcome activities on Thursday 28 September
TimeActivity Description Venue


SU Discover Nottingham

Optional Session

A chance for new students to find out what's on offer in Nottingham while you are at the University of Nottingham and to start becoming familiar with the city, campuses, and student life.

Please attend this when you don't have Department sessions.

Welcome Village Trent East car park Marquee

10–12 noon

Group activity

Product Design & Manufacture Students

An activity designed to introduce group working and to introduce students to peer mentors.

B165, L2 Building



Health and Safety Talk and PPE collection

Mandatory Session


Compulsory for all new students in M3, Students are required to attend this talk and need to arrive at the stated arrival time 2pm before you can collect your lab PPE.

Coates Road Auditorium

(Number 51 on the campus map)


UP Welcome Village Evening Activities 

Optional Session 

The Welcome Villages are designed to offer students a central location where they can drop-in and get involved in a range of different activity that embraces the full breadth of the University of Nottingham student experience. 
The villages will also host stands for key parts of the University to host Q&A stalls and their own activities to showcase their work and inform students. 

Please attend this when you don't have Department sessions. 

Welcome Village-Trent East Car Park Marquee 


Friday 29 September

Welcome activities on Friday 29 September
TimeActivity Description Venue


SU – Independent Fair

Optional Session 

A chance for students to look around some independent retailers and what is on offer. 

Please attend this when you don't have Department sessions. 

Welcome Village, Trent East Car Park Marquee 

University Park 

10-12 noon

Product Design and Manufacture (PDM) Software Installation Support

A session to help PDM students install the required software's on their personal devices. 

Online using Microsoft Teams or web browser

At the scheduled start time,  

Click here to join the meeting 

12 -1pm 

 Starting your digital student life.

All New Students.

  • Using Outlook e-mail and calendar 
  • Professional communication via email and Teams 
  • Navigating Teams – a basic guide 
  • Digital tools and academic integrity 
  • Avoiding digital overload, screen-time habits 

Online using Microsoft Teams or web browser

At the scheduled start time, click here to join the meeting  


 Digital Learning 

All Students

 Discover how we use technology to enhance your learning, what platforms we use at the UoN and how you can learn how to make the best of existing technology and digital services in your studies and your future professional life. 

Online using Microsoft Teams or web browser

At the scheduled start time, click here to join the meeting  


Additional Welcome Week events: Visit the events page to explore the exciting activities that you can get involved in across our campuses throughout Welcome Week.

For more information on when you arrive, find out everything you need to do when you get here.


CELE (Centre for English Language) Optional sessions

Please note: all Centre for English Language (CELE) sessions run several times. You can learn more about these sessions on our Welcome Week events page. Please ensure you only attend one iteration of each session.


Learning Development - academic skills induction sessions - Start of session 2023-24 (Optional sessions)

Please note: these sessions run at several times, please ensure you only attend one of each session and only if you are free and not in department sessions.

Learning Development - academic skills induction sessions
Title of session Key content WC 25 Sep WC 2 Oct 

Understanding your learning characteristics for university

  • A metacognitive approach to learning: 'how do I study best?' 
  • Working memory and processing speed: why there is no 'normal'. 
  • Your relationship with time, procrastination, and focus 

Mon: 10-11 am 

Click here to join the meeting

Mon: 12 noon-1 pm 

Click here to join the meeting

Transition to university – becoming an independent learner

  • Introduction to support from Learning Development 
  • Flipped learning and independent study. 
  • Reading skills for university 
  • Well-being and academic performance 
  • Addressing imposter feelings

Tue: 12 noon-1 pm 

Click here to join the meeting  

Tue: 12 noon-1 pm 

Click here to join the meeting

Procrastination, perfectionism, and managing your time

  • Understanding and addressing procrastination 
  • How perfectionism influences working habits. 
  • Tools for long, medium, and short-term planning 
  • Setting SMART goals 
  • Working with high and low focus times

Wed: 3:30-4:30 pm 

Click here to join the meeting

Wed: 12 noon-1 pm 

Click here to join the meeting

Note-making your way

  • Why note-making habits matter at university 
  • Hand-written, digital, and hybrid strategies 
  • Short-cuts for note-making in lectures 
  • Adapting Cornell, mind-maps, and summarising strategies 
  • Using OneNote for digital note-making 

Thu: 3:30-4:30 pm  

Click here to join the meeting

Thu: 12 noon-1 pm  

Click here to join the meeting

Starting your digital student life

  • Using Outlook e-mail and calendar 
  • Professional communication via email and Teams 
  • Navigating Teams – a basic guide 
  • Digital tools and academic integrity 
  • Avoiding digital overload, screen-time habits 

Fri: 10-11 am 

Click here to join the meeting

Fri: 12 noon-1 pm 

Click here to join the meeting


Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (inc. Aero)

Visit our contact us page to find the most relevant contact details for your query