Undergraduate Medicine induction timetable

Your induction is a programme of activities and events to introduce you to your school and course. It's important that you attend each induction activity to give you the best start to the year. Outside of your timetabled activities, you are free to spend your time how you wish.

Save this page to your favourites, and check back regularly as timetables can change.

University card collection times and locations: Please visit the card collection webpage to find out when and where you can collect your card.

Additional Welcome Week events: Visit the events page to explore the exciting activities that you can get involved in across our campuses throughout Welcome Week.

Monday 25 September



Walking Bus with MedSoc

MedSoc will meet students at halls of residence and walk over to the Medical School

Various Halls of Residence

10.30am–12 noon

Welcome to the Medical School and structure of the course

An introductory talk by key academics on the course

LT4, Medical School, Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC)

12 noon–2.30pm

School of Medicine lunch

A chance to have lunch with your new peers and academics. Introductory talk by William Dunn (Director of BMedSci)

C33, Medical School, QMC



Tuesday 26 September



MedSoc - your first medicine lecture

A lecture provided by the Medicine Society, MedSoc

LT4, Medical School, QMC


MedSoc - meet your MedSoc parents

A session for students to meet up with their MedSoc parents

LT4 and Foyer, Medical School, QMC


Wednesday 27 September



Wellbeing session

An introduction to the Wellbeing Services available to you

LT1, Medical School, QMC

11am–12 noon

Early years personal tutor and reflection portfolio

An introduction to the personal tutoring programme and early year portfolio by Professor Pam Hagan, (Professor of Medical Education and Director of Student Wellbeing)

LT1, Medical School, QMC

12 noon–2pm

Meet your personal tutor

A chance for you to meet your personal tutor

To be arranged with your personal tutor


International students’ afternoon tea

An opportunity for international students to meet and have afternoon tea with your Year One Lead, Yvonne Mbaki, the International MedSoc Lead and the Thai Society president

C2505, Medical School, QMC



Let’s be clear on consent


Consent training will be offered to all first-year students. It’ll explore; what is consent and why it’s important? And how can we contribute to a positive and safe university community? 

Med School LT4


Thursday 28 September


9am–12 noon

Basic life support – split class

Group 1A

A mandatory training session on basic life support providing students with basic lifesaving first aid techniques.


You will be informed of your allocated session closer to the time

Clinical Skills, D Floor, Medical School, QMC


Basic life support – split class

Group 1B

A mandatory training session on basic life support providing students with basic lifesaving first aid techniques.

You will be informed of your allocated session closer to the time

Clinical Skills, D Floor, Medical School, QMC


Digital student induction

Don’t forget, you need to do your Digital Student induction

You can do this online at any point by accessing the recording here: Student IT Induction


Friday 29 September


9am–12 noon

Basic life support – split class

Group 2A

A mandatory training session on basic life support providing students with basic lifesaving first aid techniques.


You will be informed of your allocated session closer to the time

Clinical Skills, D Floor, Medical School, QMC


Basic life support – split class

Group 2B

A mandatory training session on basic life support providing students with basic lifesaving first aid techniques.

You will be informed of your allocated session closer to the time

Clinical Skills, D Floor, Medical School, QMC


Digital student induction

Don’t forget, you need to do your Digital Student induction

You can do this online at any point by accessing the recording here: Student IT Induction


Induction activities will continue throughout week two and three. Please check your online timetable for mo

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences


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