Undergradute student Khaqan Kahn studying in the George Green library, University Park. November 5th 2021.


The moment you apply for a course at the University of Nottingham, you'll be taking a huge step towards unlocking your potential. The links below will help you turn this vision into a reality, and explain what to expect along the way.

University of Notitngham micro-prospectus


This is the place where your potential changes the world

Browse our undergraduate prospectus or answer a few questions and we'll help you find relevant study options, tailored information and advice before applying to become a student.

Entry Requirements

Although the majority of our applicants will have A levels, we welcome and value a wide range of alternative qualifications.

Access / BTEC Entry requirements

Find out more about courses which most commonly accept the Access HE Diploma and BTEC qualifications* (those studied in the UK) and their entry requirements. These qualifications are the minimum requirements and you may need additional GCSEs or other qualifications.

Applying to the University of Nottingham

Interested in undergraduate study at Nottingham? You have good taste. You know we’re a good match, now all you’ve got to do is tell us why. We want to know everything about you and learn about how special you are. But we know this process is tough, so we’re here to guide you through it.

How long does the application process take?

You’ve submitted your application; you’re refreshing the page. Still, there’s no change. You’re excited, you’re anxious, you’re already tired of waiting. When will you find out if you’ve been accepted into your dream university?

How we assess applications

We consider applicants solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential – regardless of gender, ethnic or national origin, age (subject to the University regulations on minimum age), disability, religion, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant distinction.

Already applied?

Head over to our Undergraduate applicants' area. We're here to guide you through each stage of the application process.

Open Day June 2022