Undergraduate students in the reception area, Medical School, QMC, University Park

Black Leaders Programme

A personal development opportunity for students of Black heritage developed in collaboration with Grit: Breakthrough Programmes

This programme has been designed for students of Black heritage to explore and celebrate their identity, voice and community.

Through a series of workshops, designed and facilitated by trainers of Black heritage, will be supported to:

  • Enhance existing strengths in leadership and advocacy
  • Transform self-limiting beliefs
  • Develop community and a sense of belonging
  • Take ownership of your university experience and generate self-efficacy, agency and resilience
  • Generate relationships and support networks

To be eligible for this workshop you must be of Black heritage.

Want to find out more?

Sign up for a virtual information session on either Thursday 10 October or Tuesday 15 October 2024. 

Jan and Michele talk about their experiences on the Black Leaders Programme


Watch what our participants had to say

Hear from Janmatthew and Michele, who took part in the Black Leader Programme in October 2023. They talk about what to expect from the programme and how it's impacted them since.

About the Black Leaders Programme

The Black Leaders Programme has been created by Grit: Breakthrough Programmes in partnership with the University of Nottingham.

Grit specialises in personal development programmes that aim to create breakthroughs in how participants see themselves and the world. 

This programme has been created to help our students to understand how their strengths and passions can be used to achieve, thrive and lead.

Through a series of intensive workshops, students will explore their identity, increase their confidence and gain leadership and advocacy skills. 

There is also the opportunity to connect with other students of Black heritage to grow your community at university and discuss your experiences in a safe space facilitated by Black trainers

Student testimonials...

"Participating in the Black Leadership Programme challenged and reshaped my understanding of leadership, life, and the Black experience."

Read more from Harry >

"The Grit workshop served as a catalyst for self-discovery, empowering me to take ownership of my narrative and embrace my innate power."

More from Teni >

"You have all the tools you need to discover who you are and to feel like you belong, and this is what Grit reminds you of."

Read Luanne's testimonial >

Other opportunities

Black Sport Collective

A group that helps bring together Black students, whether interested in sport or not, providing a support system to inspire and motivate you to excel. 


  • Join regular events and activities 
  • Access relevant opportunities (internal and external)
  • Be part of a collective that seeks to celebrate the achievements of Black students

"The BSC is such an amazing project and I’m so glad that I was part of the team this year. It did such a great job at bringing black students together and providing a safe community to discuss current issues, be ourselves and have fun! I’ve met some incredible and inspiring people and made lots of memories."


- Rugba, past participant

Black Industry Connections & Empowerment Programme

Expand your professional networks, meet inspiring role models, and find empowerment in your university experience.  


  • Meet alumni and industry mentors
  • Develop skills to support you through university and beyond·      
  • Grow your social and professional networks

"I highly recommend joining. I expanded my network, learned from brilliant people, gained more self-confidence and I feel more ready now for my life after I graduate."

Black Students Support Group

A safe space for students of African-Caribbean and mixed heritage, to reflect on mental health and wellbeing.


  • Sessions led by Black counsellors from the University Counselling Service
  • Share and explore your experiences
  • Develop coping strategies and build a supportive social network

Open Day June 2022