Undergraduate archaeology seminar

Alexander's module project

Alexander chose to create a clothing brand based on Palmyra for the 'Communicating the Past' module.

Tell us about your project...

"My project was a clothing brand which used Palmyra, an ancient city in present-day Syria, as its focal point.

I designed several T-shirts and hoodies which conveyed information about the site’s art and architecture, history, and its eventual ruination by ISIL in 2015."

What made you choose this topic?

"After Dr Andreas Kropp gave a fascinating introduction to Palmyra as part of the ‘Great Discoveries in Archaeology’ module, I wanted to carry out further research and bolster my knowledge of the site.

I also wanted to combine my interest in fashion with my love for the classical world, and this project gave me the opportunity to do so."

Communicating the Past module project - Palmyra merchandise

Some of the merchandise that Alex made

What did you enjoy the most about your project?

"For me, the most enjoyable aspect of the project (aside from learning about Palmyra!) was creating the products/packaging and getting my housemates to model them."

Did you learn anything new, or surprising?

"This project gave me the freedom to research anything in the classical world. I chose to focus my research on Palmyra as I had not studied it in any detail before. Thus, everything I learnt was ‘new' knowledge!

In particular, I enjoyed learning about the Temple of Bel and I have consequently decided to write my dissertation on it."

Communicating the Past module project - T-shirt models

Alex's friends modelling the t-shirts he made

Would you recommend this module?

"I would definitely recommend it. It is a new and different way of learning and allows you to think creatively. It also helps improve your time management, as you have to do extensive research and then build a product in a relatively short amount of time."

Open Day June 2022