A close-up of a smiling student at May graduation 2022

I know what career I'd like...

That's great! We've got detailed knowledge of lots of sectors and can give you the inside track on opportunities and how your degree can get you started.

If you already have a career goal in mind, lucky you! Now, it's time to make it happen. Our Careers and Employability service are on-hand to help you make the most of your skills. You bring your ideas, we'll bring our insight.

Support to get started in some of our most popular careers

Marketing and digital marketing

Marketing can be a competitive, but highly rewarding, field to work in. If you're keen to use your writing skills, creativity, or original thinking, this could be for you.

Our Careers service have information on all the different possibilities – from copywriting to PR – alongside tips on what employers want and how to get your foot in the door.

Find out the latest info



Deciding to teach is a big decision. And one that has the potential to benefit not just yourself, but hundreds of others as you pass on your knowledge and as your career progresses. First things first though, you'll need to consider who you want to teach and how to get there. Fortunately, we've got it covered.

Find out more about a career in teaching


Management consultancy

The title might seem vague, though the work is anything but. As a consultant, you could build a career in a huge variety of industries and settings, from HR to technology. It's all about helping businesses improve their performance, so the scope for this role is endless. 

Find out how we can help


Interested in something else?

Don't worry, we can offer guidance and support for 100+ careers.

Build your skills and experience


A placement gives you valuable experience in a real workplace, offering the chance to show your skills, as well as learning new ones. But we realise it's not always easy to find opportunities.

Some of our schools and departments offer dedicated placements for your area of study, while there are multiple university-wide schemes for everyone to take part in. Either way, there will be something for you.

More about placements


Part-time work

Many students take on some part-time work alongside their studies. That's why we have an in-house temping agency, Unitemps, to help you. There are also paid opportunities to work for the university, including as a student ambassador to support with our events.

How we can help you



Volunteering is a great way to build your skills while giving something back. We can help you find suitable vacancies, and suggest reputable places to look for opportunities both in Nottingham and overseas.

Find out more about volunteering opportunities

Real-life case studies

Ciara: used on-course modules to prepare for a career in marketing

A headshot of Ciara Murphy smiling

Ciara Murphy

"Last term I had the module ‘Communicating the Past’, which is an opportunity to teach the general public any aspect of your degree through any form. I’m looking to get into advertising – and I love film marketing in particular – so I created an entire marketing campaign for a Disney film that I created about the Scythians."

Ciara Murphy, Classical Civilisation BA

Read more from Ciara

Rachel: used our award-winning student media to launch a successful BBC career

A headshot of Rachel Ashdown smiling in front of a window

Rachel Ashdown

"I'd always thought I wanted to work in the media. One of the first things I did when I got to Nottingham was I signed up to be involved with Impact magazine. I was very active with that in my first year, and also with University Radio Nottingham (URN). Those activities were the thing that made a huge difference."

Rachel Ashdown, Commissioning Editor for Entertainment at the BBC

Read more from Rachel

Take our advice...

You'll be competing for jobs against other people but that doesn't mean you're the same as them. Through one-to-one converstaions, we help you to explore your strengths and interests, along with supporting you in accessing your career interests and perfecting your applications. You can access our services after graduation too!

Suzanne Mcgregor, Faculty of Arts careers consultant with over 20 years' experience supporting arts and humanities students into careers.

Open Day June 2022