I'm unsure what career I'd like...

Don't panic! You have plenty of time to decide.

It can sometimes feel like everyone else has their whole future planned out. Or, at the very least, an idea of their perfect career.

Well - spoiler alert! - this doesn't have to be the case. Not everyone has a 'perfect career' in mind. Some (okay, many) students have no idea what they'd like to do after graduation. And that's fine.

University is a time for learning new skills, gaining new experiences, and finding out what it is you're best at. Not only that, our Careers and Employability team are here to support you every step of the way.

We can help cut through the careers confusion

Career overviews

We can offer guidance and support for 100+ careers. Why not take a look at what's on offer?

Find out more


Ask the right questions

Whether it feels like you have nothing but questions about your career options, or you don't know where to start, we've got you covered.

How we can help


Talk to us in person

Sometimes a face-to-face chat is best. Our friendly staff are available to discuss your ideas, review your CV, and offer support around interview nerves and wellbeing. 

Find out how the Careers team can help

Want to try things out?


A placement gives you valuable experience in a real workplace, offering the chance to show your skills, as well as learning new ones. But we realise it's not always easy to find opportunities. Some of our schools and departments offer dedicated placements for your area of study, while there are multiple university-wide schemes for everyone to take part in. Either way, there will be something for you.

More about placements


Part-time work

Many students take on some part-time work alongside their studies. That's why we have an in-house temping agency, Unitemps, to help you. There are also paid opportunities to work for the university, including as a student ambassador to support with our events.

How we can help you



Volunteering is a great way to build your skills while giving something back. We can help you find suitable vacancies, and suggest reputable places to look for opportunities both in Nottingham and overseas.

Find out more about volunteering opportunities

Hear from those who've been there...

Elliot: became a success in a field he didn't even know existed

Elliot, Film and Television Studies and American Studies BA graduate. Now working as Head of SEO

"You often think, growing up, that you have to have one of a certain set of jobs – a teacher, doctor, lawyer. But there are so many jobs out there you don’t even know exist which you could do!"

Read more from Elliot

Miriam: my journey from Classical Civilisation to digital content

Alumni Miriam Zendle doing yoga

Miriam, Classical Civilisation BA graduate. Now working as Digital Content Manager

"I still believe that studying what you love is really important. The skills I learnt in my degree and in my extracurricular activities allowed me to try lots of different things and give me the best possible start when I graduated."

Read more from Miriam

Take our advice...

It's ok not to know! You'll be learning so many new things, meeting so many new people and having so many new experiences your career ideas can easily change. We'll be here to support you whatever you want to try.

Suzanne Mcgregor, Faculty of Arts careers consultant with over 20 years' experience supporting arts and humanities students into careers.

Open Day June 2022