My Nottingham Symphony
A unique portrayal of the university experience, by real music students.
The uni experience is made up of so many different moments, achievements, and emotions.
From freshers-nerves, to learning new skills, and all the late nights, friendships and assesments you'll encounter along the journey - what better way for our music students to express this than...through music!
We asked our Music Technology BA students to write and perform a symphony about the Nottingham student experience.
These four movements tell the story of arriving on campus and welcome week, of study, leisure and participation, ending with exams and celebrating at graduation.
Music by:
Collaborating with another student on the composition was my favourite part of the experience. Also, towards the end of the creation process, we were able to record a small brass section for our movement comprised of a few other students from the department.
Co-writer of the first movement
Paul conducting
I am focusing on composition in my degree and am enjoying taking as many opportunities to write music, for as wide a variety of styles and projects, as possible. The symphony project was really interesting, especially as it involved collaborating with not just other students, but other staff and departments at the university.
To work collaboratively with other people to realise a goal is always going to be a useful thing to be able to do. Working to deadlines which impact other people as well is a useful thing for many different career paths.
Co-writer of the first movement