First year undergraduate students arriving into Cripps accommodation

Top tips for new students

Second-year French and Mandarin student Isabelle shares her wisdom...

Your time at the University of Nottingham will go by in a flash and you’ll come away with fond memories, lifelong friends and an array of new skills.   

The first few weeks at uni are exciting, and filled with new opportunities and unique activities, but can sometimes be difficult to navigate. Here are my top tips for new arrivals.

Tip 1: Making new friends 

If asked for their stand-out takeaway from uni, many students will tell you that making new friends has been one of the most rewarding elements of their time here. However, it can be daunting to put yourself out there.

Just remember: everyone is in the same boat! The majority of students don’t know anyone when they first arrive and so are all looking to meet people.

A great way to do this is through a society. Head down to the Fresher’s Fair to discover more about the extensive range of activities on offer here – there are over 300 student groups and 70 sports clubs. I met a great group of friends through my netball team!

Your course will also be filled with like-minded students. Feel free to invite them to grab a cup of coffee with you or even take a trip into town.

Tip 2: Use the support on offer

The University of Nottingham has a fantastic professional support network. A dedicated Support and Wellbeing Service is available to ensure that you have a great experience at uni.   

Check out the university website for a comprehensive A-Z list of the services on offer. Here you can learn more about the diverse range of services including the Mental Health Advisory Service and help with academic welfare, for example.

I have really benefitted from the help of the Careers and Employability Service which puts on talks and events by employers and professionals to give you a better idea about the career paths available to you.

Each student is also assigned a personal tutor. This is a member of academic staff who will guide you through academic processes as well as any personal queries that you might have. Do lean on them if you need support, they are here to help.

Tip 3: Dealing with homesickness

Being away from home allows you to find new independence and learn more about yourself, but it can also come with a feeling of homesickness. Luckily, in this day and age, we are never far from our loved ones! Many students find that FaceTiming and calling their family helps to ease this feeling and settle into their new home.   

The uni is made up of people from all around the world, for many of whom it is their first time away from home. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a friend because the chances are they too have experienced homesickness and might have some advice for you – this was definitely the case for me! 

Tip 4: Finding your way around campus  

The University Park Campus is absolutely stunning and has won awards for being so green (both literally and sustainably). Nonetheless, finding your way around it can be difficult at first.

To help you navigate this problem, campus maps, floor plans and videos are available on the website. If all else fails, simply ask a student on campus who will be happy to help out. We are a friendly bunch!

From my experience, after a week or two you’ll be more than comfortable getting where you need to go.