Trent Building framed with autumnal leaves shaped like a heart

What is life like as a student?

Whether you've already applied or thinking about submitting an application to study with us, dive into what student life is like in Nottingham.

Where passion finds purpose

Take the time to discover a variety of information to support your questions or queries about student life in Nottingham.

Below you'll find the following:

  • access to each campus and what facilities we have
  • sport and societies information (and more importantly how you can join one)
  • top tips and advice from current students
  • a peek into the day in the life of some of our current students studying a variety of courses, that you may have applied to.

Students settling in for a night watching films.


Settling in to university life

Taking the next big step into a new chapter of your life is exciting! At the University of Nottingham, we're here to guide you through the experience as you join us in your next steps.

University undergraduate student Sara Bintey Kabir wearing a VR headset in the Monica Partridge Building Digital Hub. Friday November 5th 2021.