Second year undergraduates in a chemistry lab session, Chemistry building, University Park. November 5th 2021.

The first day at university essential study-checklist!

If you’re going to university for the first time this September, you’re probably going to spend the few weeks leading up to your departure frantically trying to decide what to take to university with you.

If you’re going to university for the first time this September, you’re probably going to spend the few weeks leading up to your departure frantically trying to decide what to take to university with you.

Isn’t it tricky trying to buy and pack things you might need for your first day in lectures and seminars when you’ve never been to one before?

Below is our comprehensive university checklist, covering all the things that any university student could possibly need… plus a few extras to chuck in your bag. Essentials are listed first and optional things second. Take a good look at the whole checklist and tick each item off while you pack. 

University checklist: Important documents

  • Passport (or other ID) 
  • Driver’s license (if you have one) 
  • All official university correspondence, including acceptance letter 
  • All student loan correspondence (to keep track of when your loan is due, and so you can follow up if necessary) 
  • Details of accommodation and contract 
  • Bank account details and recent bank correspondence 
  • Bank card 
  • National insurance card/details Student discount cards (e.g., 16-25 Railcard, NUS card)
  • Insurance documents (for international students, who may be required to take out health insurance) 

Note: Keep all these things either in your wallet (ID, bank card etc.) or in a safe place within your room. If you keep all your documents together, you’ll always know where to look.

University checklist: Electricals

  • Laptop or desktop computer 
  • Mobile phone and charger 
  • USB memory stick (for backing up important assignments) 

Note:  If your electrical products are worth more than you can afford to lose, you should consider taking out insurance before going to university. Sometimes student housing is covered by external contents insurance already, but never assume this.

University checklist: Stationery

  • Pens and pencils A4 lined notepad(s) 
  • A4 binder(s) 
  • Highlighters 
  • Post-it notes 
  • Calendar/diary 
  • Paper clips 
  • Stapler 
  • Sticky tape 
  • Course readers and other study books 

Note: Don’t be tempted to splash out on overly expensive stationery when you decide what to take to university. You’ll be getting through paper and pens like a mouse through cheese, so stick to a limited budget! 

Laboratory staff helping second year undergraduates in a chemistry lab session, Chemistry building, University Park. November 5th 2021.
Open Day June 2022