Undergrauate students visiting Cripps Health Centre, University Park

Mental health and wellbeing at the University of Nottingham

Reach your full potential in a nurturing environment.

Support for any personal, emotional or mental health wellbeing

Promoting mental health and wellbeing is a top priority at the University of Nottingham. We are dedicated to helping you make the most of your time from the moment you arrive here. 

Starting university is an exciting step in your life. You're in a new place, with new people, getting yourself accustomed to a different lifestyle. This can be challenging at times. 

That’s why feeling good about yourself, both mind and body, is just as important to us as the academic guidance you will receive during your stay here, promoting not only a successful education, but also a fulfilling lifestyle. 

Just know that the University of Nottingham is here to help you take care of yourself.  

Undergrauate students visiting Cripps Health Centre, University Park

You are not alone 

We’re here to help you develop the confidence, knowledge and resilience so you can be successful during your studies and beyond that in life. 

The University of Nottingham provides professional support for any personal, emotional or mental health problems you might experience during your academic life. 
We recognize that your wellbeing is really important in reaching your full potential. 

A range of mental and physical health and wellbeing programmes are available throughout your time here, whether you need advice with day to day stuff or require more specialised support. 

The University of Nottingham will support students in making informed, easy-to-manage decisions about their lifestyle habits to help you make healthier choices to benefit both body and mind. 

Undergrauate students visiting Cripps Health Centre, University Park

Your wellbeing matters

Don’t be too hard on yourself as sometimes it is normal to experience anxiety, low-mood, or the feeling of not fitting in. Different challenges are experienced at different times in your student lifecycle. 

University is also a busy time in your life. This means stress can bubble up without you even noticing. Poor mental wellbeing can hinder you from being the best that you can be. 

The University of Nottingham recognises the fundamental importance of the environment and provides a setting that nourishes wellbeing. Since belonging is a vital component of health and wellbeing, we will ensure that you, just like all members of our community, will feel included, supported, respected and valued. 

We’re here to help both students and staff build and maintain even skills of mental fitness, confidence, positivity, focus, connection, meaning, motivation, and stress management. 

Looking for support?

It is recognised that one in three students will experience poor mental health at some point during their studies and we want to provide you with information that will help you take care of yourself and help you identify where you can access support if you need it.

Open Day June 2022