Students practicing reflex testing on a manikin in Queen's Medical Centre Medical School, University Park

A day in the life of a medicine student on clinical placement

Get the lowdown on what to expect when you’re a medical student

Studying medicine at the University of Nottingham is an exciting time. You’re getting hands-on practical experience in various clinical settings, being taught by leading academics, and building the knowledge for a rewarding career.  

So, what will studying medicine and being on clinical placements really be like? With so much to learn in different settings, how can you find the time to do it all? If these questions have crossed your mind, then let fourth year medical student Lucy tell you what a typical day on clinical placement looks like. 

From rotating between different specialities such as GP (General Practitioner) placements and Obstetrics and Gynaecology, to travelling to different hospital sites to learn in various settings like ward rounds, GP surgeries, clinics and theatre, Lucy has it covered.

An average day on clinical placement

A vlog from fourth year medical student Lucy Brett on what it's like on an average day on a clinical placement.

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Open Day June 2022