Pair of undergraduate students walking outside the Clive Granger building, University park campus

Expand your horizons and study biochemistry in another country

Explore the world, create connections and develop skills in Biochemistry to excel in your career

How does studying in Asia, Europe, Australasia, or the Americas sound?

When you choose to study biochemistry with us, you'll have the opportunity to spend up to a year studying in another country.

What are the benefits of studying abroad? 

  • Boost your CV and employability
  • Gain invaluable life experience
  • Explore new cultures
  • Build connections in a new country

Study at our Malaysia campus

Exclusively for biochemistry students, we offer two specific opportunities for you to study at our Malaysian campus. You can choose to

  • spend your second year at the University of Nottingham Malaysia 
  • study our 10-credit “Tropical Medicine” module in the summer vacation between years two and three alongside students from the School of Medicine 

A summary of the Tropical Medicine module taught as a summer school at the Malaysia Campus


Tropical Medicine and Beyond

Take a look at what it's like to study our Tropical Medicine module, including what you'll learn, who will teach you and where you'll be studying

Open Day June 2022