Setting you up for success as a sport rehabilitation graduate

At Nottingham, hands-on practical learning is a key part of your course to ensure you’re gaining those essential skills as soon as day one.

We know you’re eager to make a start on building those core skills and competencies you’ll need to advance your career.

During your time with us, not only will you be building your hands-on skills in lab and practical sessions, but you’ll also have the chance to build your practical understanding of sports rehabilitation through work placements.


Our vast network of placements provides you with not only hands-on experience but also networking opportunities that open the doors early for career discovery and progression. 

Our placements are based in environments where you’re likely to work as a sport rehabilitator, such as private clinics and sports clubs. Giving you the opportunity to build the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed when you’re either pitch-side or in a private clinic.

Current placement locations include: 

  • Notts County FC
  • Nottingham Forest FC
  • Mansfield Town FC
  • Leicester Tigers Rugby Club 
  • Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club
  • Private Sports Injury Clinics (including the Sports Injury Clinic on University Park Campus)  

You’ll also be allocated an experienced sport rehabilitator or exercise professional who will supervise, guide, and support you, aiming to provide the best learning environment possible.  

Open Day June 2022