Professor Silke-Weinfurtne

Maths: Interview with Professor Weinfurtner

Quantum technology and fundamental physics.

Mathematicians work across several different sectors. Perhaps an obvious career path is into finance, in particular in banks and investment firms.

But did you know mathematicians are also needed in the pharmaceutical industry to create and solve mathematical models to help in the development of new drugs? In manufacturing maths is widely used to develop products and processes to improve quality and efficiency. 

You will often find mathematicians at the forefront of research in mathematical physics, specialising in gravity, black holes, gravitational waves and relativity too.

Professor Silke Weinfurtner heads up our Black Hole laboratory here at Nottingham. Watch her interview with BSc student Sean to find out how her passion for mathematical physics started and what she believes is her mission when teaching students.

Undergraduate student interviews Dr Silke Weinfurtner

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You learn best when you’re excited right? By getting students interested in the subject, they do their very best. I think that’s a successful lecture

Silke Weinfurtner

Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences