Students walking past Nottingham sign, Malaysia Campus

Study psychology at our Malaysia campus

Find out more about studying your degree in Malaysia.

On our undergraduate psychology degrees, you may get the chance to spend part or all of your time at our Malaysia campus. The modules you study are exactly the same as if you were in the UK. That means you can still complete your degree in the same amount of time. 

We know that real-world experiences are important when it comes to self-development and discovering the right career path for you. That’s why you have the option to make your degree your own by choosing one of these exciting options. 

Psychology student Katie shares a bit about her experience studying at the University of Nottingham Malaysia campus (UNMC) and what she has gained from it.  

Personal development 

Since going to Malaysia, I feel my confidence has really grown. This is partly due to the amount of travelling I have done alone or with a few friends. Learning to navigate bus stations, train stations and shops where everyone speaks another language and the systems are quite different was daunting at first. Now I feel comfortable travelling around anywhere in Malaysia. Learning to balance travel and my studies has also helped me improve my time management and work more productively.  

Friendly campus  

UNMC is a lot smaller than in the UK so you can’t cross campus without bumping into dozens of people you know. There are always fun events going on.  

Cultural experience  

Experiencing another culture for a long period of time gives you a chance to really understand and learn about it. You get to combine travel with your studies and make friends with people all over the world.   


The teaching is very similar to the UK campus. Many modules use the same slides as the UK and the exams are the same. However, the lectures are a lot smaller and feel a lot more like a class. It is nice as you get to know people on your course better. 

The main difference in teaching is the lab classes. In Malaysia, they run four lab projects a year so each semester you design and run two experiments in a group of five or six and then you have to present your project to the class and write up a lab report.  

Cost of living  

A meal costs between 5RM- 15RM which is around £1-£3 on campus. It can be cheaper in some local places off campus and food in Kuala Lumpur or chain places is more expensive. Food in convenience stores and supermarkets is slightly cheaper than in the UK. Bedding and other items you may need for your room are cheaper than the UK. A Grab (which is like Uber) to or from the airport is around 60-70RM (around £12-£14) and depending on the time a Grab to Kuala Lumpur can be between 50-70RM (around £10-£14).  

The campus sports centre is free to use, including the gym and outdoor pool. There is also a nearby pool at Diamond City resort that can be used by the public, a Grab there is around 10RM (£2) and the cost to use the pool and sauna per day is 15RM (£3). 

Places to visit 

There are lots of great places to visit near campus, such as waterfalls, hot springs, fruit markets and great nasi lemak places (Malaysia’s national dish). The evenings in Malaysia are great because after the heat of the day has passed, the night is a perfect temperature for sitting outside and catching up with friends. 


Over the year I have done some amazing trips. During weekends I have travelled within Malaysia, to Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Genting highlands, Penang, Melaka, Langkawi, the Cameron Highlands and Kota Kinabalu. I have also travelled outside of Malaysia to Singapore, Krabi in Thailand, Luang Prabang and Vang Vieng in Laos, Hanoi in Vietnam and Perth in Australia! All the trips were amazing, and I would recommend taking this opportunity to see lots of different places!