My experience as a chemistry student

Simone discusses what it's like to be a chemistry student at the University of Nottingham

Simone Uwadiale is a chemistry student here at the University of Nottingham. We asked her what it's like to study chemistry and her favourite things about being a student. 

What’s your favourite thing about studying chemistry?

Labs. I know some people think laboratory work would get tedious but it’s something I enjoy a lot, you’d be surprised! It’s practical, it allows for freedom with some techniques and the colours - wow.

My favourite module is Sustainable chemistry because it allows you to think about creative solutions and deals with real-life situations; I love that there is no wrong answer, really.

You’re never alone in your studies because there are course reps, peer mentors and tutorials where you can ask questions and get one on one useful advice.

Don’t get me started on all the study spaces available at the University of Nottingham. I love the availability of everything.

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of your studies?

I feel like everybody says this, but there’s actually a society for everyone. I’m being so real, there’s everything from nerf gun society to Chem Soc obviously.

Personally, I’m part of a Christian society called Radical Youth where we dance, sing, and act and everyone is welcome. I’m also on the Nigerian society committee as well as a member of the African-Caribbean society.

Inclusivity is not something you have to worry about when coming to Nottingham. There are so many sports options and if you’re indecisive like me there are taster sessions, so don’t worry!

On campus, we have buildings like the Portland Building where there’s always something going on like vintage sales, food vendors, perfume stalls and so much more.

How did you meet people at university and what is it like living away from home?

One thing I’m going to say if you don’t want to live in catered accommodation is to learn how to cook!

It’s such a new experience living away from home but it’s so fun and I promise you’ll meet so many people. A lot of the friends I made were from student accommodation, societies and of course, on the chemistry course.

When you go to university with an open mind, you experience so many new things. There’s a lot of opportunity to grow as a person.

Sports, societies and volunteering

Find the full list of societies and volunteering opportunities offered by the University of Nottingham Students’ Union.