Uncover the biological systems that drive psychology

How your anatomy, genetics and physiology impact your thinking

The brain is a fascinating part of your body, and the more we learn about it, the more we understand our psychology. 

The Biological Psychology module in the first year introduces the neural and biological bases of cognition and behaviour, so you can understand the innate, biological elements of psychology.

You’ll also be taught about the scientific methods for investigating the relationship between the brain and behaviour, and the ethical considerations that come with it.

Covering this in your first year builds a strong base for your knowledge allowing you to understand more complex and specific areas of psychology later on in your studies.

Tanisi explains why they loved this module: 

BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Fascinating content about theories of sleep and hunger and how biological and psychological processes affect them. The content was clearly explained, and I understood it well. There was a section on ethics which is a less explored but essential part of psychology. We also learnt about affective disorders and schizophrenia. This built on my existing knowledge from what I had researched independently for my EPQ in school. The coursework helped to develop my communication skills as the task was to write an article for a non-scientific audience.

Tanisi's favourite Psychology module

Undergraduate students outside the Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham City Centre - November 2021.Shannon Valley and Dominic Beale.