Laboratory staff helping second year undergraduates in a chemistry lab session, Chemistry building, University Park. November 5th 2021.

Developing a more sustainable future

Understand how we use chemistry to advance our sustainable missions

Discover how Chemistry can be used to pioneer a greener future in the Sustainable Chemistry module.

You’ll cover fascinating content like toxicology and producing green chemicals as well as understanding how this will impact us environmentally and socially. Through this, you’ll be able to identify the problems we need to overcome to achieve true sustainability.

We use case studies to explore how we can tackle common issues in sustainability, pulling in ideas from biology and geography to give you a well-rounded knowledge of sustainability in science. 

We spoke to Tanisi Morajkar who took the module in their second year, to find out what they enjoyed about Sustainable Chemistry. 

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY.  Interesting content such as toxicology and producing green chemicals, which was very new to me. Aspects of biology and geography were connected to the chemistry, so it was a less intense chemistry module. When answering problems, it made me think outside the box and think about different aspects of the problem i.e. the environmental effect and social consequences. Made me consider a future career in sustainability, specifically research in sustainability (rather than ‘traditional’ chemistry). I made friends with chemistry students which is helpful in terms of making connections with new people as one of them had done this module in first year. The labs are impressive and give you a great opportunity to work independently and improve your lab skills. Writing lab reports also develops your scientific communication and analytical skills.

Tanisi Morajkar's favourite Chemistry module

Undergraduate students outside the Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham City Centre - November 2021.Shannon Valley and Dominic Beale.