Study abroad student experience

Exploring your options to study abroad? Here's why you should do it.

On many of our Faculty of Science courses, you get the chance to spend a semester or an academic year at one of our partner universities across the world. 

Read on for Sophie's first-hand experience and how studying abroad can open new doors for adventures, connections and opportunities.

Study abroad takes you out of your comfort zone, boosts your confidence, connects you with new people and encourages you to travel internationally. I'm already looking for opportunities that will take me abroad again after graduation!


Hi! I’m Sophie and I am currently in my final year of studying Environmental Science.

I got the opportunity to study as an exchange student at Wageningen University and Research in The Netherlands for a year. Here's how my time in Wageningen gave me a chance to experience university life in a different country, allowed me to learn (or at least try to) another language, and meet students from all over the world.

University student visiting Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Settling in a different environment

I was initially nervous about going to live in a new city by myself, but I quickly settled into the new city thanks to the support from the university.

They arranged a welcome week for both home and international students, where I could instantly make new connections. Turns out everyone loves the British accent! With everyone feeling energised for the start of a new academic year, it was easy to make friendly conversation with different people.

Finding friends

I made friends through the various student networks I joined, including the Erasmus Student Network and the student sailing club. This helped me make regular plans for socialising throughout the week, including frequent weekend trips to other cities and neighbouring countries. 

I met so many people in my classes, student halls and societies, and even made close friends who have come to visit me in the UK. I've also gone back to the Netherlands to see them again. While I was in Wageningen, some of my friends from Nottingham came to visit, and I got to share my unique study abroad experiences with special friends from both cities.

University student visiting Wageningen, The Netherlands

New culture and language

I took full advantage of any opportunity to travel, and came back with so many fond memories. I also got to try new dishes, attend grassroots events, and regularly visited the market.

Free languages classes at the university taught me basic phrases in Dutch, which opened up a whole new world of local culture. Although everyone spoke English, speaking Dutch helped me understand holidays, festivals, and traditions at a deeper level.

Looking back

I really enjoyed my year abroad and the breath of experience I had. I would recommend everyone to apply for the scheme, because it'll take you out of your comfort zone, boost your confidence, connect you with new people and encourage you to travel internationally. I'm already looking for opportunities that will take me abroad again after graduation!


If you're interested in expanding your horizons with the study abroad programme, you can explore your options here.