The summer we searched for aliens, Trent building

Physics: summer internship

Physics students Tim and Ilaria researched extra-terrestrial life (SETI).

Our School of Physics and Astronomy offers a number a research internships each year. These are a brilliant way to develop your skills, and discover if a career in research is for you.  Physics students Tim and Ilaria spent a summer working on an exciting research placement on the search for extra-terrestrial life (SETI). Watch the video to find out what they learned, and what tips they have for future students.   

The summer we searched for aliens

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The main skills that I've learned on my degree have helped me prepare for the SETI internship. My Python coding skills and the ability to look at a problem and code something to work on that problem were really helpful. The most satisfying and rewarding part of this internship was to be able to go and search for aliens.


MSci Physics with Astronomy

Clinician Joseph Stone demonstrating Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) with postgraduate student Anissa Lintang Ramadhani  December 2019Full story can be seen here