University undergraduate student Cole Pearce studying in Lincoln Hall accommodation's library, University Park. November 5th 2021.

The Faculty Alumni - Miller Scholarship

The Alumni Scholarships provide financial support to eligible students taking an undergraduate degree at the University of Nottingham.

Each Scholarship is worth up to £9,000 (£1,500 for each year of study) and is intended to help students with essential living costs (not tuition fees). It will be paid in equal termly instalments.

Applicants must:

  • Be enrolling in Autumn 2024 for the first year of a full-time** undergraduate degree at the University of Nottingham (UK Campus), this being your year of entry to the university.
  • Must reside in Nottingham prior to study.
  • Not have studied for an undergraduate degree before starting at Nottingham.
  • Have Home* funding status (see definition below)
  • Not be receiving external sponsorship for your course e.g. from industry/employers (University Core bursaries and Government grants do not affect your eligibility)
  • Have had a household income between £0-£42,875, as assessed by Student Finance.

* A 'home' student is one who meets certain UK residence criteria, These are the same criteria as apply to eligibility for home funding from Student Finance.

**Otherwise eligible part-time students who are unable to study full-time because of a disability should contact the Funding and Financial Support team to discuss their funding options.

Note: All references to household income refer to the figure which is calculated by Student Finance when a student applied to them for means-tested funding. We are unable to accept any other proof of income.

Application process

There is no application form for the Faculty Alumni - Miller Scholarship. All applicants who have submitted an application to one of the Faculty Alumni Scholarships listed below and meet the basic criteria above will be assessed based on their supporting statement for this competitive award.

The successful applicant will be contacted via email by the end of July 2024.

Successful applications

If successful you will receive a provisional notice of an award. Full award and payments will depend on still meeting the eligibility criteria when you register for your degree in September 2024 and subsequent years. If you are successful in receiving a Faculty Alumni - Miller Scholarship Award you will not be eligible for the Nottingham Potential Bursary.

Open Day June 2022