School of Veterinary Medicine: Scholarship Awards Guidance Notes 2024/25 Entry

Before completing your application form please read these guidance notes.

If you require these notes and the accompanying application form in an alternative format (e.g. Braille, large font) please call Financial Support on 0115 823 2071 or email us at

Who can apply for this scheme?

For this scheme you must meet the following basic criteria.

You must:

  • Be applying though UCAS, holding an offer and hoping to enroll in September 2025 or April 2026 on the first year of a School of Veterinary Medicine undergraduate degree (not a Foundation year)
  • Indicate the University of Nottingham as your firm choice
  • Be studying for your first undergraduate degree
  • Have Home Funding status (see definition below)
  • Have a 2023/24 household income between £0-£42,875, as assessed by Student Finance (see definition below)
  • Not be receiving external sponsorship for your course e.g. from industry/employers (University Core Bursaries and Government grants do not affect your eligibility)

Scholarship information

The School of Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Scholarship Awards funded by Alumni are scholarships for degree students entering the University in September 2025 or April 2026. The awards offer financial support totaling £7,500-£9,000 over the duration of their five or six years of study (– prelim/gateway year is an eligible course) to academically able students who have encountered and overcome barriers to their educational journey.

The programme was established thanks to the generosity of Nottingham alumni and friends of the School of Veterinary Medicine. It is intended to assist students with their essential living costs whilst studying, it is not intended to be used towards tuition fees.

We are also keen to target these scholarships at those students who can show the beneficial impact the award will have on their time at university and their future prospects.

The applicant must also have a strong commitment to broader personal and professional development.

Your application will be scored based on the answers provided. The number of scholarship awards each year are limited, dependent on the funds available from donors to the scheme.

Please note that you may be eligible for a Nottingham Potential Bursary or a Care Experienced and Estranged Bursary.  

If you apply and are successful in applying for a Faculty of Engineering Alumni Scholarship Award you will not be eligible for the Nottingham Potential Bursary. If you believe you will be eligible to receive a Care Experienced and Estrange Bursary, this means you would not be eligible for a Faculty of Engineering Alumni Scholarship.

What should be included in your “Supporting Statement” (questions 17-19)?

An assessment panel will consider your scholarship application. When making their decision, the panel will take into consideration the following:

  • Has the applicant overcome barriers on their educational journey, such as but not limited to:
        1. from a low socio-economic background e.g. low participation neighbourhood (an area where people are less likely to go to university)
        2. long term medical/health condition or a disability (including mental health)
        3. disruption in the home environment, examples may include but not limited to care leavers, caring responsibilities, estrangement.
  • Has the applicant clearly demonstrated their commitment to personal development through participating in activities outside their formal academic studies? We are looking for you to show us how taking part in activities outside your formal education have helped you develop as a person. Examples of activities might include volunteer or charity work, leadership roles in organisations (e.g. Brownies/Scouts), providing support for community and/or faith-based events, fundraising or awareness-raising activities for local groups, or extra-curricular activities within school (e.g. mentoring of younger students, supporting student campaigns or initiatives), involvement in music or sport, or independent informal study of any new subjects.
  • Has the applicant identified and articulated how the scholarship will enhance their university experience and help them to achieve their future ambitions or career goals? We are looking, in particular, for applicants who can explain the difference the scholarship will make to them, not only the opportunity to study at the University of Nottingham. 

We suggest writing around 100-200 words per question on your ‘Supporting Statement’ (questions 17-19). Please write this in Microsoft Word (or similar) first before copying it onto your application form so you can do a word count check. If you write significantly over the word limit, only the first part of what you write will be scored.

Each of the questions will be scored separately so please give any relevant details for each question, even if this means repeating information.

What is a “Home Student” (Question 11)?

Your student finance company (e.g. Student Finance England, Wales, Northern Ireland or the SAAS) will decide your residency status. To be classed as a ‘Home’ student you must have been ordinarily resident in the UK for the three-year period prior to the start of your course. Students granted refugee status and European migrant workers may also be eligible. If you are unsure of your status contact the student finance company for further information.

What is “Household Income” (Question 14)?

The “Household Income” figure used by the University in relation to award eligibility is the figure calculated by Student Finance when you apply for your government support funding (Student Loans and Grants). It is the gross income of all those in your household (e.g. your parent/s or your partner) during the tax year prior to your entrance to University before tax and national insurance deductions but minus a few allowable deductions. More information is available from Student Finance.

The Student Loans Company should automatically share your income information with the University, unless you chose to opt out. For more information about this, read the Privacy Notice in the accompanying notes to your Student Finance application. If you opt out of data sharing with Student Finance your financial information will not be shared with us and you will not be eligible for this fund.

As the deadline for this award is prior to the start of your course at Nottingham you will need to declare your household income for the period April 2023—March 2024. This figure will be checked against that supplied by Student Finance at the time of your registration at the University to ensure it is a similar figure to that you have declared and that it doesn't exceed the £42,875 eligibility threshold. Please note that if offered a Veterinary Medicine Alumni Scholarship Award this offer will be conditional on you meeting the income threshold criteria and entry on to the School of Veterinary Medicine course of your choice.

How will any award be paid?

If successful your total award of £7,500-£9,000 will be split equally over the five to six-year duration of your course: e.g. £1,250 per year. Registered students will receive payment in three termly instalments each academic year commencing October 2025 or April 2026 for April starters.

When is the closing date and when will I know if I’ve been made an award?

The closing date for submitting this form is 1 July 2024. Applications will be looked at once the closing date has passed, and all applicants will be informed by email of the outcome of their application within 4 weeks of the closing date at the latest. If you wish to be notified by a method other than email, please indicate this on your application (Question 9).

Successful candidates will receive a provisional notice of an award on the condition that they receive an offer to study for a School of Veterinary Medicine degree course at the University, that they meet the conditions of that offer, that they register on the course in September 2025 or April 2026, that they still meet the eligibility criteria at that time and that the household income figure provided by Student Finance is between £0 and £42,875.

Foundation students will need to be registered on the School of Veterinary Medicine course in September 2025 and have achieved an average of 60% or above in their Foundation year.

The University of Nottingham’s safeguarding responsibilities

The University of Nottingham has a responsibility to comply with legislation regarding the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and will consult with local relevant bodies if it feels that the welfare of an individual is at risk. The information provided in this application will be treated confidentially, but in making an application you accept that you understand the University’s policy on safeguarding.

Full information on the University’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The University of Nottingham is focused on embedding equality, diversity, and inclusion in all that we do. As part of this, we seek to reward and recognise our diverse staff and student population, and therefore encourage applications from all communities, particularly those with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. For more information please see our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion web pages.

If you have any questions about your application in relation to EDI issues, or you have any questions about completion of the application form, then please contact the Funding and Financial Support team.


If you wish for feedback on the outcome of your application you should initially contact us for a further discussion on:

Tel: 0115 823 2071

If after an explanation of the assessment of your application you are still not satisfied and feel that there has been a procedural inconsistency please refer to the ‘How to appeal’ section below.

If you have any questions about completing this application form or want more information about any area of student support funding then please contact us. We can provide information and advice on all aspects of student finance including Government and University student support funds.

Funding Support Team contact details

Tel: 0115 823 2071

How to appeal

If after an explanation of the assessment you believe there has been an error or a procedural inconsistency and you wish to appeal you should email the Funding Manager detailing the basis of your appeal.

Please send your email to and copy in

Appeals must be lodged within 2 weeks of the date of the email notifying you of the initial outcome. You will be contacted within 7 working day of receipt of the appeal with confirmation of the outcome of the appeal.

Please note that the Funding & Financial Support Management’s decision is final.

Details about the Funding & Financial Support appeal process can be requested from the team at any point and this does not affect your right to raise an official complaint. 

Please note that following registration at The University of Nottingham, all contact will be via your University email account.