Postgraduate students studying outside on Jubilee campus

How to accept your Clearing offer

This information is for international applicants

If we've made you an offer through Clearing, congratulations! 

To secure your place on the course, you'll need to formally accept our offer through the UCAS Clearing process. Follow our simple step-by-step guide and we'll look forward to welcoming you in September. 

Your step-by-step Clearing guide

This email confirms the Clearing offer we are making you, together with:

  • your personal details
  • your chosen University of Nottingham course
  • the academic and English qualifications we have based this offer on

If any of these details are incorrect, please reply directly to the email to notify us as soon as possible.

If you will be under 18 at the start of your course, your parents(s) or legal guardian(s) will need to complete a consent form before a formal offer can be made, and nominate a UK based guardian if they will be overseas during your course. We will include this guidance in your offer confirmation email. 

Accepting our offer forms a contract between the university and you. 

It is important that you understand our requirements and obligations before accepting your Clearing offer, so please read our important information about your offer. 

You may be in Clearing when you contacted us, or you may have other offers that you need to decline or be released from. Check your status in UCAS Hub if you are unsure.

Applicants who haven't made a UCAS application will need to create one now. 

Making sure you're in Clearing

You are responsible for ensuring you have the correct application status to enable you to add a Clearing choice before the deadline given in our offer confirmation email. 

If you are already in Clearing, your application status will be displayed in UCAS Hub as 'you are in Clearing' or 'Clearing has started'.

If you are holding an Unconditional Firm (UF) place within another institution and wish to enter Clearing so you can accept a Clearing offer at Nottingham, you have two options:

  • ask your firm choice university to release you into Clearing
  • release yourself by selecting 'decline my place' in UCAS Hub

New UCAS applicants

If you have not made a 2024 UCAS application until now, you can still create a new UCAS application to accept a Clearing offer from us. Your application will be created in the Clearing status, after processing by UCAS, and you can then add us as a choice in UCAS Hub.

Create your application on the UCAS website.

You must do this before the deadline given in your offer confirmation email. If you find you are unable to refer yourself in UCAS Hub, please check our guidance below.

If you are applying on A level results day, you will not be able to refer yourself through Clearing until UCAS Hub goes live at 1pm. 

Adding the University of Nottingham as a Clearing choice

If you are unable to add us as a Clearing choice in UCAS Hub, please ensure that you have selected the correct institution (N84 – University of Nottingham) and the correct UCAS course code.

If you are unable to find the course we have offered you, it may be that this course has closed for new enquiries since you received your offer. You can still accept our offer (up to the deadline we have given you) but will need to add your choice in a slightly different way:

  1. In the Institution box, select N84
  2. In the Course box, select Other
  3. In the next box type in the relevant course code in capitals (for example, R120 and not r120)
  4. You may need to work through further tick boxes (for example, point of entry)

If you are still unable to add the University of Nottingham as a Clearing choice, please reply to our offer confirmation email so that we can advise you further.

When we recieve your application in UCAS, we will check your qualifications against the entry requirements for the course and verify your fee status.

If there are no outstanding issues, we will send you a formal offer via UCAS and your place to study with us will be secured.

We will usually complete this within two working days of receiving your referral. We may need to contact you by email if we require any more information from you.

If the information you have supplied in your application is found to be incorrect, false or incomplete, we reserve the right to withdraw your offer.

After accepting your offer

Once your offer and acceptance are processed within UCAS, you'll be able to make other preparations for your arrival and studies in Nottingham.

We will also send you a formal student contract by email, typically within two days of your offer being confirmed in UCAS Hub.

Your next steps

Once you've formally accepted your offer to study with us, you'll be able to make preparations for joining us in Nottingham.

Open Day June 2022